I miss ow1 so much

Quite literally Paladins. It didn’t hit as big as OW but it is 5v5, has a level up card system for strategy, and unique characters and abilities with maps. But yeah OW did it first…there’s a reason I left Paladins and came to OW back in 2018 and now I don’t play OW hardly anymore.

tHe qUEue tImEs aRe bEtTeR


Whatever happened to Paladins? Wasn’t that title a 6v6 OW clone?

Are we surprised though? The game’s lead director and hero designers both left before OW2 was released. If this hadn’t send red alarms to the fans, I don’t know what would have.


paladins has always been 5v5, and it is not a clone, the game was announced in mid-2012, almost 3 years before OW and at that time it was already known that the game was 5v5, the reason why I think people are So confused about that game is that when it was announced it was called “Global Agenda 2” and the name of the game was changed several times before it was finally called Paladins


Oddly enough, I played the original Global Agenda, and it was a pretty good shooter game until its game developer company ceased installing any new content.

That’s because OW1 was created with love to have the best player experience.

But OW2 was created with greed to extract as much $$ from the playerbase as possible.


Even the UI was so much more polished. We’re probably never gonna leave the beta stage even though we supposedly already have. They’re just gonna keep giving us recolors of old legendaries and “limited time exclusive” skins sold at full price, mercy asian culture legendaries (watch her get a Hindu goddess skin next) and broken heroes locked behind the battlepass… without the money going anywhere near the development of the game

Overwatch is just an empty, soulless shell of what it once was. There’s no more love behind it. People make jokes like this all the time but that’s genuinely what a toxic relationship feels like. Life force draining, no love behind it, yet you’re somehow still unable to escape. Empty promises made to reel you back in, major damage control of lackluster quality that makes it so painfully obvious they don’t even care about you, and when you finally fight back or point out their wrongs it’s somehow your fault or you’re just unable to appreciate their “effort” and in the end it just goes back to you being trapped in an endless cycle of broken promises and misery.

The game is a blatant cash grab built upon the broken shards of it’s past and the devs don’t care about us. That’s what makes this entire thing so agonizing. I wouldn’t care about a cash shop and paid skins, bad balancing and the fact the game looks like we’re still in beta, if it wasn’t for the fact that it’s so painfully obvious that they don’t give a single ounce of care about the player base and only see us as walking wallets. There’s a major power imbalance and that’s not what a game should feel like. Players shouldn’t feel like there’s a power imbalance, they should feel respected and valued and like the time theyre spending on the game is appreciated. Fortnite has done an impeccable job on that but copying their ways instead of only their concepts is too hard for actiblizz.
The parasocial aspect is just as important as the game content itself but I guess they forgot about that.


And that’s the root of the problem
They genuinely don’t even care about us and that’s what makes this entire thing so painful.
Yeah we loved the game and yeah we’re upset the game we used to love was ripped from us along with the choice of going back, but the fact they’re blatantly treating us like walking wallets and obviously don’t care about the playerbase at all is what makes this so agonizing and what makes the patience run thin.


I also feel like they also removed a lot of features from OW so they bring it back at some point as a ‘new’ feature.
Player levels were gone, then brought back although in a poor, meaningless state which nobody takes note or cares about. Player borders were so unique and representable. If the team were so bothered about toxicity, they could have just hidden the boarders for Comp matches for the duration of the game and brought it back once the game was finished. They could still be there for the entirety of QP and Arcade games.
They also removed giving Player Endorsements to the opposition team at the start of OW2 and also removed the 3-category basis of it (Shot Caller, Good Teammate, Sportsmanship) entirely.
The UI also looks very bland, the menus are all over the place and not intuitive.
It genuinely feels like a mid-sized indie company made OW2.


so let me get it straigth to the point, they removed more content then they implemented.

They lied about PVE and sold us the crap pieces for 15$
PVE was the main reason that OW1 would become OW2 keep that in mind
5v5 feels so unbalanced and deathmatch like, dont even gets close to the teamgame we had with ow1
you now get nothing for free anymore and i dont care about the 60 coins per week
the shop prices are a joke
p2w battleplass that unlocks new hero
stupid report system that will get you banned no matter what you say in chat
voicecoms are dead at this point, you cant say anything no more
comp system and balance are a joke
matchmaking results in either get stomped or stomp, i barely had games that where realy close ( ow1 had way more close games and that was way more fun tbh)
Many beloved maps and modes got trashed, still miss lunar colony
they deleted the lvl system and introduced something new that doesnt give you anything from value, no free coins/skins nothing

there is more to go but its just a waste of time at this moment, quit for good after the first few matches this season, cant take it anymore. i miss the time where you could use coms and not get reported for every little thing you say in the heat of combat and get 2week ban for it or even perma.


I miss OW1 because it was good.


Here is a list of more than 60 games of the same genre as Overwatch, most of them are very old games, but maybe you will find something that will serve as a replacement for OW ( h ttps://www.giantbomb.com/class-based-shooter/3015-305/games/ )

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overwatch 2 is not worse then overwatch 1

they never lied about pve

overwatch 2 is good aswell :man_shrugging:

Have you tried playing the sequel that functions almost identically to the first minus one tank?

My man over here freebasing the copium this morning…


I personally find OW1 to be vastly superior to the pay to win game being called OW2


Comparing the two games is on par with someone that doesn’t know anything about football looking at college football vs NFL and calling them the same game.