I miss ow1 so much

I don’t…ow2 is just ow1 with monetization…

Like yeah from that standpoint I miss ow1…but I don’t think that’s what op meant

I hope you succeed. It’s sad that the players have to do the work for Blizzard.


Maybe one day our wish might come true and tbh I wouldn’t mind getting just a classic mode at this point.

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Dreams can come true …except when Blizzard is involved.

I’m sure they know this, but they painted themselves into a corner and the only thing they can really do is pump out recolor skins so that the whales keep flooding money into their shop game.


Nah they did WoW classic so they will envetually make ow classic and sell it for 60 bucks all for the money you know, usual blizzard.


As a tank player. I agree on that I prefer the playstyle of 6v6. I wish Blizzard just added a 6v6 mode to the game so people who prefer 5v5 or 6v6 can choose what to play.

I however do like some of the hero reworks in OW2.


Yeah exactly everyone would win we win, 5v5 enjoyers win and Blizzard wins (Money that is) so why is it taking so long, it shouldn’t be hard they have all the assets from old versions so it’s literally just tunning down the new heroes and give the old stats to old heroes and of course remove passives that would not fit 6v6, it’s bad as it is in 5v5.


So much better, I want this ngl.


This! I miss the tank synergy.

Exactly! It’s a win win for everyone no matter if you want to play 5v5, 6v6 or both.


Thanks for all the hearts on my post guys…

:sob: :heartpulse:




I can argue otherwise,

6v6 kind of just stalls at the opening of each fight like theirs not a lot you can do other then just burn your enemies defensive tools till something gives. or hope your team is playing the hero that can ignore bits and bobs of the enemies tools, and those actually get the chance to do the things they need to. Be it a head shot or sym/zarya charge.

Then after that it plays like OW2 does more or less.

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just beware the blue hearts…


Then of those people that prefer the longer fights which is a lot more than those who don’t have to deal with this new, crappier and highly unpopular grey prase chicken mcgarbage of a game mode.


No it’s really not, keep in mind the people on reddit and on the forums are only really a fraction of the playerbase.

And even then most polls on said platforms are split 50/50.

That and well the longer fights kind of just stalled more so then created a different experience. Eventually they will just get to a point were they playout like they do now.

everything kind just flows into natural win conditions, were as in 6v6 a fight can be lost like in 5 seconds into the battle do to an early pick. But stall out because you still need to burn through a DM/Barriers for the rest of the team to fall over.

Outside of just bad play on your own team, their should be little reason why you would lose that engagement.

it also kind of hid bad play, and created alot of miss information regarding how the game was even suppose to be played.

Like their was little understanding regarding the function of each role, let alone what any given hero was suppose to do. Like you fine people that would just assume OW was a completely different genre entirely.

I had discussions with MMO players that couldn’t understand that one team was suppose to die, and you shouldn’t be able to create infinite sustain loops like you could in said games. Nor that you were suppose to actually posisition like you would in an FPS and not just be up the tanks back end for the whole game.

This wasn’t a support specific thing either, some tank players also thought they were suppose to take all the aggro. And would become endless resource dumps as they attempt to taking way to much damage at once. Not giving a chance for their supports to use their utilty or their DPS to pull at least one person’s attention.

And the game wouldn’t exactly do much to punish these players, as they would still live quite a long while. And win games of the backs of other players.

No it’s pretty clean and clear cut when your messing up.

Which was and still is a bit of a culture shock for a lot of medal rank players. (not saying you)

Because for the most part, overwatch still plays like overwatch. Most heroes interact with each other in the same way give or take a rework here or their.

But it’s just that you actually need to engage and learn those interactions, and not just spam healing or cycle your barriers. Which is the issue people need to work if they actually want to succeed consistently in this game.

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I miss it too, OP.


I think it’s okay to call it OW


For anyone that misses 6v6, give these custom modes a try. I haven’t checked recently if the workshop codes are the same, but hopefully they are.

It really is a ton of fun and both of these custom modes have discord servers you can join to find games. One of them even has a competitive ranked ladder they run. It’s pretty darn cool.

Feel free to share this around with other people that want to give 6v6 a try. I’ve seen some people here in the forum mentioning my thread and I’m glad to see it making its rounds.

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