I mean, it is impressive

Well I will admit, having to ask someone on these forums to post a link about the information, isn’t great communication, lol.

And to respond to them making “heroes” unlockable through the battle pass, I thought that’s what would happen, but, it kind of sucks, lol.

I’m not looking forward to being like, “yay I can finally play that character.” At least the newest one is support, so I probably won’t even bother trying that one out anyways :stuck_out_tongue:

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Jeff saw all this coming and knew it was time to go. I’m still holding out hope that ow 2 will make a 2023 or 2024 comeback after enough changes.

Those hopes are getting smaller day after day….


Sounds like all three new heroes are locked. You can just pay for Support to come out early.

The others, you will have to grind for.

To be fair, if you go look at the project Chu is working on, maybe you will have some new hope.

Oh fun! OW2 is looking fantastic already! lol. /s


Now you’re better off buying Call of Duty. We’ve come full circle.



Welcome aboard :slight_smile:

This is why I thought people would understand the “WTH Blizzard, I mean, what the ever hell are you thinking with this being the comms we get over this”

It is a hell of a thing to drop, and then, have NO blue posts over, no reddit thread, maybe 1 tweet.

YES, comms…

I think Wyomning is going have to get the beating bat out :slight_smile:


Welp looks like I am locking my wallet from Blizz


Once the sales dont hit the expectations heroes will get paywalled to milk the very last few people playing the game

Sure… (just finished Destroy All Humans 2 which I never played because of OW.)

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Yeah and to think I was actually considering buying the battle pass lol.

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Honestly I don’t think Sponsors will like this either

OWL will pretty much be doom forever to never have Sponsors again

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The more they talk about OW2 the less I like it.

Maybe this is why they choose to say less…


On a positive note I have been able to finish lots of other games since losing interest in OW. Would have never been able to see the credits of great lengthy games like Elden Ring, Red Dead 2 and Ghost of Tsushima if I was still hooked on OW like I used to be.


Recommend Outer Wilds, never would have played it otherwise myself.

Now one of my top ten, (which is saying something)

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You won’t like my response but, due to queue times on OW1, I went to diablo immortal. And I’ve been loving it. Even probably spent more than I should have, lol.

Put another point on the scoreboard for the Doomers.


just looked up doomer on youtube, trying to find a silly video and i found this…i guess im the boomer type. yea…

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I’m the boomer type. boomer type wont even watch that. which is why, i wont, lol.

I have always been impressed on how well this company sticks it’s foot into it’s mouth. It’s a bloody art form at this point.

Somebody I’ll learn to stop asking how much worse it can get, because I am always surprised.


Likely the first doomer here, (I am Doomfish after all.) born 1990.

Though I am 32