h ttps://i.imgur.com/6ZEx6FH.png
(please can a lvl 3 post this image for me? You are true potg if you do!!)
So I like playing around and comparing numbers sometimes. I am not a reddit math wizard, so these might be inaccurate if you take raw numbers from a wiki and theorycraft really deep.
All I did was go into training range to the 2 still bots at beginning, and stood on the 5m line (so falloff is not a factor) with everyone and did the quickest way to kill them with any moves available. This means some moves will not be used.
Hammond for example, can do a grapple then swing into someone then piledrive and finish off with guns, but it’s faster to kill by standing still and using just guns, so that’s the kind of data I recorded, each heroes’ fastest possible way to kill the target.
I used a stopwatch and hit the start button as soon as I touched my mouse or keyboard then stopped as soon as the bot was dead. I did this 10 times for each hero to ensure I had an accurate reading, and I rounded it to the nearest tenth to ensure human error is smoothed out. Like I said, this is not supposed to be a source of perfect info, it’s just my personal experience and for fun.
And of course all of these are a perfect scenario where both player and enemy are still and have perfect accuracy.
I didn’t know how to handle charged up heroes, so both Zarya and Symmetra’s results are at zero charge.
Torb and Reaper win in headshot category at zero seconds to kill since they can both oneshot the bots with their RMB and LMB respectively. Widow and Hanzo are not at zero because they both have chargeup time before a 1shot can occur, same with doomfist.
There’s a pretty dramatic and distinctive plateau rise in the headshot chart where people stop being able to get headshots with Ana onward. Should some of them be able to headshot like Ana, firestrikes, symmetra? Might be an interesting topic.
Since they destroyed Brigitte’s shieldbash damage by 90%, she is unsurprisingly dead next to last in both charts for time to kill, would be the worst in the game if not for winston who beats her. Everyone around her in the end part of the charts have stuff to combat being low ttk, winston has massive health and mobility, sym can chargeup and has great mobility, rein can oneshot (and mobility) with pin, has massive health and massive shield health, Moira can aoe heal and self heal on demand and has massive mobility, etc.
So what does Brig have for being next to last in both charts? A stun that virtually does zero dmg with no followup damage (unlike the other stun in the game with mcCree who can annihilate with followup) and a personal shield that can be destroyed with less than a full clip from most heroes. Blizzard I seriously think its time to re-look at Brigitte esp with a new superstar overloaded kit healer Battiste coming around the corner.
Maybe you could make her melee do more damage and make it vertical up-and-down swings so it no longer AoE hits multiple people, and requires more skill to use, but it rewards you for landing hits? Or I also always bring up the idea of totally removing her tankiness features and really buffing her damage or healing output. Or removing her healing completely and making her a full-fledged tank or DPS. Trying to split her lukewarm kit between 3 roles is making her really suffer and holds her back from her potential
Dva does surprisingly better than I thought, fusion cannons are just really good up close but you don’t notice too often if you are playing her from a longer range. It’s too bad her hitbox is the size of Pluto so diving with her is way too big of a risk for the reward, esp since they nerfed DM so you basically are forced to use ALL of it to escape walking backwards or you tap it once then you get de-meched when it goes on cooldown
I wish they would redo something about Winston’s kit. Speaking personally, he’s literally the only hero I groan when I get in mystery heroes, he is the height of boring. You hold LMB in the general cardinal direction of enemies, that’s it. I know there’s more to him like jumping around and pressuring people but I wish he wasn’t dead last at such high time to kill and there’s no way to increase it with skill, you just tape M1 down and look at red outlines of enemies and hope you slowly zap squishies to death.
If you want to know the exact combo/skills I used for any hero, just ask. I tried a whole lot of combinations to see what was the fastest way to kill so I’m pretty sure I got everything accurate. Don’t get mad at me if my data is wrong!! >_< I just wanted to do this as a fun experiment.
I do weird things like this ever since I was young. I used to use real geometry to calculate the height of things in games, I remember accurately calculating the height and width of the garden tower in Shadow of the Colossus lol