I’m really scared right now

My game keeps telling me “Error: Disconnected” when I try to get in. I’m not banned am I? I’m a PS4 player mostly, can anyone tell me what’s going on? I try hard to be a good person I don’t know why I’d get banned…

Overwatch for PlayStation 4 is currently in maintenance. This is why you are getting the error code.

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Oh thank god. I got really worried there for a second

On a side note, if you were banned or suspended, there is a specific error message when you attempted to log in that specifically states this. I want to say that is BC-105 or something like that. BC-101, BC-127, and LC-202 are all connection issue error codes.

Given your post history, I am assuming you already have your console account linked to a BattleNet account. As such if you were to be account actioned for any reason, you will receive an e-mail from Blizzard stating so.