I love how Mei is like a newbie in the cinematic

It’s acceptable if genji can slice robotics apart when he uses his dragonblade because he enhances his blade and strenght with his dragon spirit… but seriously, Genji deflecting huge plasma shots of mass destruction with an entirely normal wakizashi is just going over the board. He should’ve been fried by that and the sword should’ve buckled under the shot like paper. He should’ve by all rights been killed by that, but the writers deem him capable of doing superhuman feats now when he’s still quite human, just so he can steal the limelight and be cool.

Whatever happened to the Genji we saw in Doomfist animation where he took one punch and got incapacitated? Why do we get this anime protagonist hero genji instead? How soon is he going to get married to mercy at this rate because he’s now the protagonist and not the support character?

And I agree, it should’ve 100% been Reinhardt and brigitte heroic moment if they jumped out of the car to save Winston when his own barrier buckled under the pressure. Then genji could have easily come around and disarmed the Mecha.


What for? They got their moment against the giant laser. Genji couldn’t deflect that.

Could you put a cap on your anti-Genji salt for like…five seconds? Genji and Tracer have always been capable of superhuman feats.

Additionally, I’m not sure why you seem to think he can’t use the same dragon abilities with the short blade. They had him use that because it’s an iconic ability. And let’s be honest, if he had used the dragonblade, would you really feel any different? No, you’d almost certainly still be here complaining about nothing because that’s just a facade. Why aren’t you complaining about how Mercy healed Mei from a critical injury in seconds just by touching her?


If they wanted a cool anime style moment of him tearing apart the things arm then they could have had him jump in the air and dash onto the arm. Then run across the arm and tear it up, landing on the ground.

It would have been a bit cliche, but so was everything in that short. And it would have made more sense.

And which hero could Mercy healing have gone too instead?

That’s not the point. I’m just saying that Mercy instantly healing someone just by touching them is extremely OP and plot-convenient. Yet Nere doesn’t seem to have a problem with that. It’s only when Genji gets to look cool showcasing his abilities that it’s suddenly a problem.

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Probably because Mercy’s amazing attributes and coolness aren’t constantly rubbed onto my nose on every single cinematic, just to remind me that Genji is invincible anime protagonist and how bad this game’s current writing is and how this self-insert needs to be focal point of everything. He breaks suspension of disbelief when bad writing has made him overpowered.

The plot is going to suffer when a lot of it is focusing on how badass anime protagonist genji is.

I also agree with this guy, he brings up many good points. Bunch of people who’ve liked Genji before have also noticed this phenomena and are growing tired of the character being a Gary stu.

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He’s only been featured in 2 of them 3 if you count the we are overwatch trailer what are you on about

“Every single cinematic,” so what, two? Three if you count Storm Rising, which showed off all four of the characters? He lost to Doomfist in one. He was absolutely not the focal point of this cinematic. Winston was. Genji had two scenes with no dialogue. Just because they made him look cool and showed off his abilities doesn’t mean he’s the focus.

I don’t disagree that he looked extremely powerful in this cinematic, but again, Genji is not the only character like this. Mercy is also OP in it. The thing is, they just wanted the “calvary” characters to look cool and inspiring while showing off their abilities, which they succeeded in doing for all of them.

AND they are also fresh from recall, so not everyone was gonna be on the ship.

Also mention that a lot of OG members were either dead or become mercs/Talons. So there is that.

I love that shes being used as an icon for freeing Hong Kong though. I hope it makes blizzard as toxic to mainland China as Mei is to all the haters in Comp.

All I can say is that Genji is bad @$$ :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s a nice intro that made all heroes of value in their own ways.

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Well that’s because Mei is a newbie. According to the story progression, the Mei cinematic only happened some time before this new cinematic. So unlike Winston, Mei is not a fighter at all, she’s just a scientist.

Did you guys notice how Mei situates herself with Winston alone in the back of the plane?? Totally after that Scientist D.

Because what Mercy does isn’t lessening the impact of anyone else’s moments, nor does it feel contrived purely to make her standout over others. It’s just comes off as convenience so they don’t have to explain her tech.

Genji’s does do that, because it takes the big heroic “blocking” action from Rein and Brigitte for little other story reasons than for Genji. I actually feel this lessens the emotional impact of the scene. Because Reinhardt was a focal point of the picture Winston was longingly staring at when he wished for the old team to return.

Having Reinhardt or Brigitte save him during his hour of need would have carried a stronger emotional weight than having Genji there to look cool. Reinhardt being an excellent representation of Winston’s old team, and Brigitte being there would have been an excellent representation of the way new Overwatch is connected to the old one’s roots.

It just feels like some emotional weight was lost due to them favoring showcasing Genji’s admittedly cool abilities.


I love how Winston tells her good job and she’s gets all excited. :smiley:


the best part is that she got blown up


Laughs in Sigma; Accretion

Basically what it comes down to is Blizzard making their DPS characters look fun and powerful while the tanks and healers (Mercy) kind of just sit there, being boring. It’s no wonder the game attracts more DPS players. They see this awesome ninja dashing through his foes and deflecting projectiles and cutting through a giant robot while a gorilla just pushes a car onto its side.

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Mei mains who have been playing since launch disagree. :stuck_out_tongue:

Of course, they’re DPS. :roll_eyes: /s

Genji is legit one of my favorite characters though. Even though in the game I want nothing more than for him to fall in a lake of fire and fry.