I love how Mei is like a newbie in the cinematic

AND they are also fresh from recall, so not everyone was gonna be on the ship.

Also mention that a lot of OG members were either dead or become mercs/Talons. So there is that.

I love that shes being used as an icon for freeing Hong Kong though. I hope it makes blizzard as toxic to mainland China as Mei is to all the haters in Comp.

All I can say is that Genji is bad @$$ :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s a nice intro that made all heroes of value in their own ways.

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Well that’s because Mei is a newbie. According to the story progression, the Mei cinematic only happened some time before this new cinematic. So unlike Winston, Mei is not a fighter at all, she’s just a scientist.

Did you guys notice how Mei situates herself with Winston alone in the back of the plane?? Totally after that Scientist D.

Because what Mercy does isn’t lessening the impact of anyone else’s moments, nor does it feel contrived purely to make her standout over others. It’s just comes off as convenience so they don’t have to explain her tech.

Genji’s does do that, because it takes the big heroic “blocking” action from Rein and Brigitte for little other story reasons than for Genji. I actually feel this lessens the emotional impact of the scene. Because Reinhardt was a focal point of the picture Winston was longingly staring at when he wished for the old team to return.

Having Reinhardt or Brigitte save him during his hour of need would have carried a stronger emotional weight than having Genji there to look cool. Reinhardt being an excellent representation of Winston’s old team, and Brigitte being there would have been an excellent representation of the way new Overwatch is connected to the old one’s roots.

It just feels like some emotional weight was lost due to them favoring showcasing Genji’s admittedly cool abilities.


I love how Winston tells her good job and she’s gets all excited. :smiley:


the best part is that she got blown up


Laughs in Sigma; Accretion

Basically what it comes down to is Blizzard making their DPS characters look fun and powerful while the tanks and healers (Mercy) kind of just sit there, being boring. It’s no wonder the game attracts more DPS players. They see this awesome ninja dashing through his foes and deflecting projectiles and cutting through a giant robot while a gorilla just pushes a car onto its side.

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Mei mains who have been playing since launch disagree. :stuck_out_tongue:

Of course, they’re DPS. :roll_eyes: /s

Genji is legit one of my favorite characters though. Even though in the game I want nothing more than for him to fall in a lake of fire and fry.

Sure wasn’t hearing that during the Doom cinematic where Doom was going 3v1 and held his own the entire time :thinking:

And the reason that short worked so well at establishing Doomfist as a villain is because of all the hype around those two relative to the other characters.

He wrecked Genji AND Tracer

That same short with someone like Pharah would not have worked.

Its ice to see him in the new Overwatch team.

Mei and Senkuu would work well together.


So if Genji and Tracer are wrecking its bad but if they’re getting wrecked its good. Gotcha. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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Who else ?
Mei to start wallclimbing and decapitate the omnics with a sword ?

One of the things that has me annoyed the most was how Mei, despite her thick coat and self healing abilities was hurt by being thrown several metres by a blast, despite having a HP higher then most other damage heroes. Then there is the eternally frustrating fact that Winston stares down this Omnic ready to die for the good of whatever, despite the fact every Winston main out there was shouting you have a shield!
But no, got to be dramatic.
Sorry for the rant, I hate that these characters who are so epically powerful are nerfed for plot reasons.


No. That’s not what I am saying. It’s a storytelling trope that helps sell the power of a new character. You take a character that has been established to be badass, and then have them get wrecked by your new character. This shows that the new character is a threat to be taken seriously. This is a fun site that informally discusses these tropes.

I’m not saying Tracer and Genji being beaten is good. I am saying the reason that the short worked is because of all the times they have hyped them up. It can’t be used to show that they don’t get a lot of hype, because it only works because of their hype.