I lost 700 SR during Beta season

Sadly, you’re low gold because of yourself. Regardless of whether or not you were practicing, you still lost, you know? That being said, the beta thing was a pretty dumb thing to do on their end imo, lots of confusion.

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Meeeeeeeeh, that was very foolish to think that they’d completely delete the 2 weeks of beta and start season 18 as if it had just followed season 17.
I mean nothing said that they would and common sense would say that your MMR needs to be kept in order to continue the game, you can’t just freeze it. Or you’d have to erase all MMRs and start from scratch.

That I agree with. They could’ve said a lot sooner that it would count when so many people were very vocal about it not counting.

It is a Live patch that rewarded Competitive Points for playing. They never did that for off season games that didn’t matter. It was obviously only beta in name to make sure that everything worked since PTR has a much lower population than Live.

At this point, I won’t even be mad if Blizzard starts talking to us like Toddlers.

It wasn’t foolish to think that, They put sigma straight into competitive post PTR without the usual 2 week grace period .

Wait, you played sigma in comp to practice, then blamed your loss on Role Queue? I did that, and won. its not role queue, your just bad at Sigma.

you have 1 hour of play time for competitive, 0 hours played for sigma

but hey at least your QP has 3 hours for sigma lel lel lel

Maybe as a DPS, but not as a tank or support.

Yeah but even then, just that fact alone isn’t enough to assume that 2 weeks of live server would be entirely deleted.

I mean 2 weeks of Data completely erased is a BIG deal.

Having Sigma instantly live can’t just explain that;

That is comp, not role queue Beta
2 hours on Sigma in role queue and im in masters. dont just laugh without data.

The web shows season 17 stats, not role queue stats. The only role queue data is their SR.

If Wyoming, an MVP interpreted it wrongly, it just goes to show that plenty of other people probably interpreted it wrongly as well? Some might have been affected by his post yes, but lets not kid our selves - the original post was vague and misleading and blizzard failed to clarify the point, even though multiple people asked them to clarify it, almost immediately after role queue announcement.


you do bring up a good point, but sadly using facts and logic is not the way to go to swing peoples thoughts.

Long story short, you used comp to practice a hero you’ve never played and, surprise surprise, it was a bad idea

Comp is not the place for that

how is that not the fault of blizz?

Laughing at people after being proven wrong does not change anyone’s minds either, it just makes people think you are more of an idiot.

Whether or not the stats count doesn’t matter to me, using comp to practice something you’ve never done before is just wasting everyone’s time

most people didn’t think comp was going to count in terms of SR/MMR so how was it bad for me to practice in beta?

I lost 800 in Season 8.
I gained 400 this season.

No particular argument here, just giving some perspective.

Competitive is competitive, people play the mode for serious matches, not to help someone along as they purposefully drag the team down with inexprience

It was comp. What about the people who actually climber out of a rank they have been stuck in for a long time. would they have to climb again?