I loathe Hanzo with great intensity

This in his optimal range, Widow’s optimal range is really far away form the battle and even her can wall hack (in a different way but more useful for her).

Maps don’t always favor this kind of play but if you also see OWL there is much more Widow usage than Hanzo and even in a similar, mid-range oneshot kind of style.


lol you need just accept how heroes work.

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“Here Team, let me Zone everyone out with High Noon.”

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Blizzard is world famous for tweaking and changing their products constantly. There is no “final” version of any of their games…that being the case, I’m allowed to post suggestions/criticisms on their forums in pursuit of a design-change goal.

In this case, I would like those hanzo head-shots toned down.


You do know that Mei can also pre-fire, Zen (add any other projectile based hero here? So maybe its just something we need to work around??? Maybe? Maybe?


OWL doesn’t use new Hanzo (yet -> will they ever??)

When playing DM I prefer to use Widow, I can’t aim with Hanzo, I have no skill with his bow. And i really have no issue with his hitbox or arrows, if it is not a real BS shot behind a corner.

I only get really angry when they shoot me with normal arrow and then in panic pop storm arrows just to clean me from short distance. You can’t avoid this damage, not all 6 arrows and especially when all you need is this one shot to win the duel while you move slowly like a snail while aiming and just getting porcupine make-up from Hanzo jumping around like a mad man. 6 tries for finisher are too much.

It’s not about pre-firing. It’s about any left click ability from a projectile hero that consistently head-shots with little to no intent or ability to aim at heads.

I just don’t know how some people have the nerve to say stuff like “Hanzo kills me without aiming”

Like you just know it’s just salt speaking.


Its statements like these that don’t make me take you seriously, like in the way you would give your ear to someone making a meaningful level headed argument.

Consistently? You don’t know how may times the Hanzo would have spammed before you show your head and it gets taken off, but yeah consistent.

No intent? The intent is to take off peoples heads who peak for whatever reason.

Ability or Aim? I think it actually needs to be at head height and since the arrows have an arc (less now with the projectile speed buff i guess) you have to adjust this with the amount of distance between you and intended target.

I don’t even play Hanzo and cannot play him to save my life but even i know you are just salty and not making any valid arguments.


Consistently I see Hanzos aim in general directions and score headshots. This I contrasted with Widow - that actually has to aim specifically to get one - all while Hanzos toss off a random left click and score the same headshot - no skill required.

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Many people loathe him, but we should loathe him for the right reasons. His projectile size is fine.

You are wrong, Hanzo’s arrows are now actually the same speed as Ana’s unscoped shots after the buff.

Also Ana has 2 hitboxes for her unscoped projectiles, indeed on enemies the hitbox is tiny, nearly pixel-perfect, comparable to hitscan but the hitbox on allies is massive in comparison.

Pretty sure it is designed this way on purpose to stop Ana from accidently hitting enemies while she is trying to heal an ally

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And then I ran out of bullets. I got sad, so I had a popsicle…


So again, Hanzo peeks around corner shoots arrow from half a map away and because he manages to hit my hitbox SOMEWHERE he gets a one shot kill?

There’s no way the frequency of headshots coming from long range projectiles should be that high.

Hanzo is broken.

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Indeed, and I also am curious to see it. I wonder if they already said from when he will be suable.

the difference between fighting a widow and a hanzo is pretty obvious though…
you can somewhat dodge widow’s hitscan shots reliably by using adad movement and crouch spam in rythm with her firerate.
this makes it hard to hit your head with hitscan.

with hanzo not so much…you cant predict where the projectile is going to and dodging those is pure luck because of the nature of projectiles (traveltime)…

that said, hitboxes are pretty broken in this game and very generous…especially head hitboxes.
so, im just gonna leave this link here…

maybe some lvl 3 guy can fix this link.

  •   h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRxIuR6jN-k&t=142s

and yes, hanzos arrows actually DO correct themselfs midflight. at least visual wise, because the headhitboxes are so big. you can even see that when you get shot by a headshot sometimes. the arrow suddenly turns straight into your face.
just watch the video link i posted if you dont believe me.

so long,

Kinda true. The killfeed of Hanzo trying to kill a Sombra but the arrow ends up killing you or a teammate isn’t intentional by no means.

That happens with literally everything in this game.

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Sounds like you lost alot and you are blaming Hanzo for your losses. Maybe you should not play FPS games. I could probably kill you across the small map with mercy since you don’t like to keep moving.