I LOATHE Hanzo with a burning passion

I was never bothered by him until recently. He just miraculously headshot me and i hv no idea how that hit me as i watch the kill cam also lol
But tbh i dont really hate him xD

Not a fannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn either.

I think the worst is when he does his little leap and kills you with an arrow.

this wont happen.
the increased speed was to allow him to more reliably hit targets.

SA is the primary issue as its fast shots and small CD make him always a threat.

and ult charge is similar to junks ult charge…it should be made to charge slower as they are extremely deadly.

honestly, i preferred playing the old hanzo. im happy they took away the scatter, i like the lunge… but the increased arrow speed makes me miss every. single. SHOT!
also the storm arrow is just way too delicious not to spam…

110% hyperbole. It’s honestly funny how people complain about Hanzo and have zero facts backing them up.

And before the mouth breathers come for me with pitch forks just remember pick rate =/= win rate. It means meta synergy.

inb4 smallest hitboxes in the game. All OW projectile hitboxes are stupidly large and we all know it.

Well, except for the developers apparently. But you clearly know better.

Still waiting for my noble princess, Sombra, to get this OP treatment. She’s been in the dumpster far too long, and don’t tell me she was OP for that 2 week period, she was viable, not OP.

For every arrow that hits your head, three whiz pass and you never saw them.

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His hit box is not big at all but I agree his E is very problematic, it is not that hard to land 50% of those shots in 2 seconds especially when you only need two to kill an already damage target by your full dmg arrow and when your arrow fly at 100m/s.

150hp actually sounds like a really good idea… Make him fragile and mobile, but powerful, like tracer

Maybe if an OWL player complains about it…they’ll treat him like sombra?