I loathe fantasy skins

I loathe skins like Symmetra-Dragon, Doomfist-Swamp Monster, Zenyatta-Cultist etc. and I wish they wouldn’t exist in the game.

When I first got familiar with the Overwatch universe back when it got announced, I really loved the fact that Blizzard was developing a game with a connection to the real world you and I live in. For example it has heroes from real countries, it has real accents (wel sort of but that’s another discussion), real names etc. As the game grew older, more and more silly stuff was added which, to my opinion, doesn’t really fit this setting and I truly dislike it.

I also dislike having World of Warcraft references like the Doomfist-Blackhand skin. Don’t get me wrong, I loved WoW, played it alot, but it just doesn’t fit and I feel like Blizzard is much more than just WoW. C’mon Blizz time to move on!

But but but but…space monkey!, hard Light!, a hacker that hacks people!” etc. you might say, well you’re probably right but it still fits the universe way more than mentioned skins. Especially in a futuristic technologically advanced universe.

Anyone else feel the same?


No I like having more fun options for cosmetics




Those are literally some of my favorite skins. For Sym and Zen, they are my permanent skins.


*laughs in TF2 hat particle effects*



Imma use the same line Jeff did abt the Zarya halloween skin:

Its ok to be wrong sometimes

those are some of the best skins in the game hands down and they’re just. SKINS. they have no impact on the story itself.


I love Cultist Zenyatta!


I prefer the crazy skins. Otherwise, why not use default, origins or Archives skins?

I still enjoy those too. But I want skins that make me sit back and say, “wow.” And old McCree cosplaying as young McCree is not really one of those moments. Sick gun, though. So I bought it anyways.

Those are some of my favourites. Don’t really like the Swampfist aesthetically, but the others I kind of just see as in-game cosplay for the characters.

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18 characters required.

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A monkey scientist from the moon, day one.


I would agree if these skins had any kind of stats increase that made the heroes OP. However they are pure cosmetic and do nothing other than make the characters look different. Blackhand is one of my favorite skins for DF. Dragon is my go to skin for Sym. Cultist is one of Zen’s best skins IMO. People have their own preferences, but please don’t come on to the forums just to start something you know will go down in a flame war.

I for one, and I know this might be controversial, like fun and creativity.
That is all.


The fantasy skins are the best ones in the game. Specifically the ones you listed are some of my favorites.

Yet they’re generally seen as some of the best skins for their respective heroes. Seems like you’re having a minority opinion here.


by the way, in case you don’t know, if you put this < and then letters in the middle and one of these > at the other end, whats between those two symbols disappears but still counts as your remaining characters. boom, no need to add more.

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First of all Jeff already said the game is a passing reference to the lore, he hinted that someone my die in the lore bit he made sure to say that if thay happened said person will NOT be removed from the game, thus the game is not a slave to the lore so they can put anything they want into the game cosmeticwise

With talking gorillas, space warping English girls, super intelligent hamsters, flying medics, teleporters, projected shields and invisible Mexican girls capable of disabling other humans with some finger movements…

Yup…how dare they add fantasy to this game

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Fair if you don’t like them; I on the other hand quite enjoy their uniqueness. But yeah, if you’re playing a science fantasy game expecting more of the science fantasy and less of a fantasy-fantasy aspect, then that’s fair. I think loathe is a strong word to express distaste for them, but at least you don’t have to use those skins if you don’t want to.