I loathe 5v5 with a passion

Agreed 100%. At least these days you get some variation in games with more heroes being viable, which is a nice change from the tedium that was mirror matches during the 6v6 era (between GOATS and DIVE mirror matches, I basically lost interest in watching OWL at the time). Also, let’s not forget such riveting tactics like the “Pirate ship” on Junkertown… Good riddance 6v6, you will not be missed.

Agree! I’m with you 100%

BRING BACK Everything that was missing content
BRING BACK Jeff Kaplan & Former Devs

On his watch or at Bobby’s command?

If it was Jeff’s goal for pvp to be hardcore only he completely failed. OW was a global phenomenon, successfully appealing to casuals and hardcore gamers.

You really think that Jeff’s idea for reaching the lofty goal of a single player campaign and an mmo for overwatch was to dedicate years of dev time and effort into reworking multiplayer (which he supposedly wanted to get rid of entirely, according to you) just to remove the off-tank role, therefore lowering the skill ceiling of playing tank? You know, to appeal to those hardcore gamers that always want lower skill ceilings… That must explain why Jeff hasn’t left his job: to reap the benefits of his masterplan… oh wait…

Jeff Kaplan proudly claimed 1-3-2 as his idea on this very forum. 1-2-2 was the successor to that.

It was Jeff’s idea. Bobby wasn’t out there designing the game. The monetization, sure. That was the whole problem - Bobby didn’t know a thing about Overwatch except that it was a money-printer. Don’t give the dude that much credit.

Overwatch 2 was never going to have a single-player campaign at any point ever. Don’t know where you got that from. PVE was always multiplayer. And yes, an MMORPG was absolutely Jeff’s vision for the IP, going all the way back to Project Titan which literally was an MMORPG.