I like the Sombra changes

DDE ARE WE THE SAME PERSON?! Everything you’ve said i agree with.

Please. This and the 75% speed increase and i’ll be k with these changes. i don’t want 4 nerfs for 2 unnecessary buffs. Hell, they’ll probably be complained about and get nerfed anyway


And where were these people? Unless you’re referring to the 5 or so people who have said they liked the changed, the feedback has been overhwlemingly against the PTR changes.

Again, the pros literally asked for it to be reverted, and THEN make further adjustments.


Good, good, we are going for good way, slowly, but thanks for hearing our feedback.

i think so as well. It won’t do much if they just want to keep needing her to add trashy buffs

None of these changes address how clunky and slow sombra is, other than the last one. I really hope this infinite cooldown concept goes away entirely, I will take the last two changes + what we have on the live version over any of this infinite stealth/translocator bs.


The biggest thing this changes imo is giving her slightly more reliable damage with the ability to interrupt reload with hack.

There’s still problems with these changes that they didn’t address here, but two of the biggest issues have been addressed being the detection radius and Translocator sound effects.

Currently destructible translocator is still a big problem since there’s not many clever ways to ‘hide’ it. Plus, Invis still feels too slow and doesn’t give you those ‘openings’ they say it gives you now.

uh hello, I’m one of those 5 xD and believe me there is quite a ton more people behind this, ask anyone on the PTR who has never invested much time in Sombra

The pros did ask for a revert BUT they also stated that the changes fit the goal of opening up her accessibility, they also said that if THAT was the goal then they should proceed, the goal has always been to increase the flow of people playing the champion because again, data says that her pick rate is low but her win rate is particularly stable hovering around 50 - 52%

Now stop hollering and start practicing!

Still doesn’t actually address her core issues being lack of usefulness in fights since the awful hack nerfs and her incredible amount of bugs. Making Sombra less complex doesn’t make her better but the trade offs sure do make her weaker.

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that’s a thing they do now, woah


I didn’t think it was that bad, I knew it was bad but that’s just horrible…

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Like I said, tweaking the supports’ heal rate or Sombra’s DPS makes this change interesting (having both might be good too). I think the idea of infinite stealth is okay if the healing goes down a little. There can be other minor buffs to make Sombra more accessible and not micromanage ability cooldowns all the time.

I’m sorry, but that’s the problem.

They’re making changes based on what people that don’t even play the hero want rather than people who’ve invested hundreds of hours on her think she needs to be better.


the whole “you don’t speak for everybody!!!” line only really works when it’s one or two people grandstanding and not… the majority of the group of people who are at the crux of the issue.

Also stop using scare quotes around Sombra Mains. it makes you look like a jerk. Just because you disagree doesn’t mean the vast majority of people who play sombra are Wrong


At least this is some progress.

  • Delay on entering stealth.
  • Delay on exiting stealth.
  • Big Spread.
  • Hack LOS breaks/bugs.
  • No ultimate charge from health pack healing.
  • 1 damage interrupt on hack.
  • 2 second interrupt cooldown on hack
  • 1 damage interrupt on stealth.
  • Stealth movement speed being reduced.
  • Stealth detection range increased.
  • Can’t contest while in stealth.
  • Translocator can be destroyed.
  • Has voice lines called out while trying to be stealthy.
  • Transloator makes a sound that enemies can her from 20m away.
  • Using translocator makes multiple bright red lights appear at your location.

Don’t they only last 10 secs?

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She still can’t contest

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I hope not… because fitzy said she needs to be able to cancel reload AND fix the bugs to hack. So if this is why, that means they consciously ignored him saying that she needs her hack bugs fixed


You guys are not off the hook just yet. The speed reduction and destructible translocator needs to go

You guys also need to give stealth a damage threshold and consider a better alternative to the stealth contesting situation.

Sombra is far from ready for live even with the second round of tweaks for this patch. We’ll be in touch


I’m super glad you like her, but there’s almost no data to suggest that the results are positive. I’ve seen relatively few people who have played Sombra before that think she’s OK on the PTR. Only people who don’t actually know how she was played seem to enjoy her.

You can’t just pick the “further adjustments” part of what the pros requested and ignore this huge part and say “See they listened to the pros!”. They did not, because the pros asked for a revert.