I keep on being kicked out of my games

Hi, so I have been kicked too many times by the game, I have no bans, and no reason to be suspended, but sometimes I get kicked out of my games, my wifi is fine and I don’t understand what is happening. And then because the game kicked me too many times I get suspended for a bunch of minutes because I am “leaving my games” when I am not doing it on purpose.
Is there a way I can fix this? Is the issue coming from me (wifi or else)?

What tests are you using to determine the WiFi is stable? If you’re seeing “lost connection to server” or “client requested disconnect” that’s a connection problem between your hardware/connection and the game server. If the server was causing the disconnections, you would see “Unexpected server error.”

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Thank you very much for your response, I use some speed tests online, but honestly, I don’t know what to do, nothing wrong came out of this test, I think I should change the cable maybe that’s the real issue, I’ll look deeper into my PC, I had motherboard issues in the past, I don’t know if that could be related.

A speedtest does not measure your connection stability or quality; it tests the potential max speed between your home and a very local node set up for that type of test.

So I have news, it was indeed my connection, I changed the cable and everything is working just fine. Thank you for your time and responses <3

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