I have ranked up about 2-3 times, each tie I get bronze 5. I shouldn’t be in bronze and it isn’t rewarding whatsoever, can someone help please.
I keep getting the same thing but mine is bronze 4. I have won 20 games and only lose 1-2 per 5 games.
This is exactly what is happening to me. I won the last 15 Games in a row, never could get of Bronze 4 as Support. Im a much better Supporter than my best Friend, who just got ranked in silver 3 i was so sad! we played every match together and i couldnt get higher
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A link to my post in case you would like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment. Any help in spreading the word about this thread would be greatly appreciated.