I just want to say thank you to the Mercy mains

Whenever I have a Mercy on my team, as someone who primarily plays tank in this hellish landscape called Overwatch 2, I always feel a little more confident knowing that they’ll end up carrying me as I struggle in game. Mercy’s ability to carry in this game is underrated especially with how things are right now.

This community is truly lucky to have you, you guys are the best of the best and I just wish I could play up better so I can provide protection for you all, just as you provide consistent heals for me. You’ve gone through change, after change, you lost mass rez, you got nerfed here, buffed there, you learned new mechanics showing many of us that Mercy takes more than just being another support.

I honestly think that when I have a Mercy player on my team I have a winrate of something like 80%.

Thanks again, love Ozeki.

We do try. It can be frustrating though when we do our job so well that teammates start taking way more unnecessary risks, dying too often, and then we lose. So just keep trying even if you get a mercy god on your team.

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It gets like that, but hey you are appreciated and I just want to say thank you. I can’t speak on behalf of everyone but I can say I admire the patience you all have.

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