I just played One of the Best Games of My Life

I joined in the Tank role on a WP game that was already in progress. I joined a team that was losing on the first round of Oasis. The score was 0-85% or so and I couldnt deicide on a Tank. I went with D.Va. I died then came back and realized the score was 0-95% and we were about to lose the round. So I fly into the center and hold off the enemy as long as I could. I do this and my team arrives shortly after I lose my Meka. Our team actually captures the point and we get pretty close to winning the round but the enemy team recaptured the point and won the round. One of my teammates says in team chat “It would probably be better if we had a tank from the beginning lol”. Then we another round of Oasis. This time we win the round in a close game and then go to the final round, the Oasis Library. Its a back and forth battle for the point. Both teams get their capturing percentage to 80-80% then 90-90%. In the final Overtime, our team just goes all out in the center arena. We barely win with a score of like 99%-96%. Both teams were incredibly skilled at their heroes. It was such an incredible battle, I hope I never forget it :smiling_face_with_tear: