I just dropped 300sr

In my experience even 5 stack is risky. In 2 games we had a dps Moira (bronze heals behind Lucio and Hog) and Suicide Dva - constant cycle of jet in, demech, die, respawns, rinse and repeat.

2 randoms playing like utter butt holes. Enough to make you lose.

[quote=“Gazzor-2340, post:20, topic:166211, full:true”]I think that even a GM Mercy is going to have trouble influencing a bronze game unless she whips out the Blaster and starts popping off.

they definitely will influence even in bronze. you would have a main healer who knows how to position well (playing LOS for instance), damage boost, not get themselves staggered, not waste their ult (like when your team has won and it’s a 6v2), not get themselves killed (mercy is extremely mobile if you play her correctly), know heal prioritization, rezzing when appropriate, etc., compare all that to the enemy’s team trash healer. no whipping out the blaster needed either – if anything that’s what a bronze mercy would be trying to do, using blaster over healing.

there have also been a lot of of streamers who have done unranked account to GM with mercy only accounts to prove this point. you need to focus on what you’re doing wrong instead of worrying about your teammates, that’s how you’ll climb.


Depends how hard you want to grind I guess. I was stuck as Mercy for 30 hours T 1700 Sr, despite 60% win rate (gotta love broken Mercy Pbsr after Orisa patch).

Just Mained Torb and went up 650 SR in 10 hours.

Pbsr helped. As Mercy do 15k heals and 12 rezzes and gain 25 Sr, and lose 30 on a loss. Or play Torb, hammer madly on turret all game, getting zero medals as I’m hard carried and get 27sr.

I don’t get why people still think you can’t carry with support… They are the most necessary thing for your team

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I wonder when people are going to realize that the matchmaker isn’t rigged and they are where they are because that is where they belong in ranked.

You’re in high ELO. All dps have a certain level of competency.

At my trash ELO you can have players at the same SR have wildly differing skill levels. In season 9 I was 150 Sr above my friend who is miles better at this game than me.

In low level games there will typically be a carry dps on one team that gets 65% kp. If he’s on my team we win, if on the opposing team we lose.

And some dps are real bad. Suicide Bastion that Constantly set up away from the Orisa shield and died over and over again. My first game with 5 golds as Moira as my team dps were so inept.

In one 4 minute attack phase our Tracer couldn’t even scrape up 2.4k damage. I had 2.4k silver as Rein and our Zen had gold damage. Trash dps are a very real thing at low ELO.

Won a game in plat where enemy team trickled in all day like bronzes. Lost a silver game where enemy dry pushed and died, fully regrouped then crushed us with Ult advantage.

Skill level at low ELO is an utter crap shoot.

Hey, I went from 3200+ to 2700. Lost 500 sr in a few days. This is the first time I’ll end the season in platinum and not diamond. Official done with this experience and quitting for good. It’s a complete waste of time. This isn’t the first time I dropped so much sr and had to get it back. It’s an extremely flawed system.

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Is the opposition getting better? Are you getting donkey team mates game after game? What’s the actual issue?

if youre playing in groups play solo. yes its more toxic but hey youll climb back up till you hit that 50/50

I broadly agree with you. I’ve played qp with a GM friend and I was a “wee bit” heavy vs. The plat plus I was up against…

So not threatening GM anytime soon.

I think the issue, especially at low ELO is utter lack of consistency in skill levels of players. Some silver dps I wonder why they’re not in plat by now (maybe they’re smurfing) and I’ve seen players in gold make a bronze look like a GM.

Doesn’t help that new placements default to mid gold, so loads of bronze skill players crashing down the ranks.

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It’s that this game lacks a ladder based system that starts everyone off at the same point and works their way up and then tags you with some inaccurate hidden mmr to group people together and against. It’s a really bad system. There shouldn’t be placement matches. It allows for people to buy accounts and smurf or attempt placements on different accounts until they hit close to their desired rank. It groups the masses in platinum/diamond making it a cluster of inaccuracies.

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They just need to get rid of Mmr altogether to be honest. Something is amiss when I can crash down with trash teams, then swoop back up with godly team mates. It’s incredible the number of games with players so bad it’s like they’re throwing.

Makes it a very swingy system.


I placed gold last season, I know what it’s like. I climbed solo que, don’t tell me it’s cause I’m “high” elo (diamond isn’t very good by the way)

Bully for you.

I was winning games at 2.4k last season, supporting some solid dps and tanks.

As I was dropping to 1.7k yesterday I was wondering what god I had offended to be trying to support dps that just can’t get kills. A Tracer that can’t even manage 600 damage per minute. A Bastion that runs one way when the Orisa runs the other, then sets up and dies miles away from her shield. 7+ times…

Anyway, it’s my own fault. I’m playing low impact heroes at an elo where I can’t trust anyone to play high impact heroes competently.
So I’m stepping up to the challenge.
I’m starting to do a fair bit of death match to get better at fragging out. Went 9-4 (Got 3 lot boxes, woot!) vs. golds and plats. Already made a difference as I managed nearly 5-1 kd with Lucio on one comp map. Definite improvement. I’m going to stop blaming my trash dps and, like Thanos said at the end of Avengers 2, I’m going to do it myself…

The game I mentioned my last one as solo Mercy 100% was not my fault the enemy had a phara that kept killing both Torb and Bastion lol we couldnt leave the spawn on our attack. What could I have done? Remember we had 5 dps and me 3 of whom were trolls.

Also someone mentioned my SR is where I should be…so yesterday I suddenly went from gold which ive consitently played at with ease to silver? How? Did I suddenly do something different? Did my performance make the genji troll on rialto stay in spawn all match or the zen troll who jumped off the map in volskoya and emote danced to the enemy? I agree if your hard stuck yea and if i go back I will climb back my bad luck cant continue.

Its like soloq is somehow worse(lol i know) since lfg has been introduced . I cant put my finger on it but its almost like a qp attitude amongst ppl in soloq now.

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Let me jump in on this, I lost 100 just tonight. Crap supports. Trash ana’s because of patch and people playing moira and bridg going more dmg then heals

Maybe those trash Anas were trash because they couldn’t see you.

C’mon. 100 points is like 4 wins in a row. That’s not that awful.

To all those who think to quit the game because a little number in their profile is lower than usual, just hold on, and it will come back. It might take time, but it always comes back because you improve by playing.
Flexing makes you climb above diamond, specializing makes you climb below diamond. That’s what it is.

The more I think of it the more annoyed im getting, the Zarya game I mentioned before where at the end of the round I had 0 deaths maintained 71% energy we steam rolled the enemy. Its the best ive ever played as her . At one point I tracked a tracer the predicted her blink with a mortar and killed her. Then we attack and our healers basically throw a gauranteed win by both picking dps! I mean wtf even the enemy team commented on it. Your rank is scored individually but the actions of 5 others essentially determine it(unless you can carry 5 others I guess)

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I got through gold with ~65% win rate on zenyatta. He can delete characters in one shot with his charged orbs if you can aim.

You have to play a character with self sustain as well as good dps abilities to climb out of gold. Because most golds are very bad at their role. So dps won’t kill anything, healers won’t heal anything, tanks won’t shield anything. You had to be able to kill stuff, keep yourself healed up, and have proper positioning to minimize the amount of fire you take all at the same time. This is why I mained Zen + Soldier

Be a one man army and you will climb out of gold. It’s stupid that it is the case, but it is what it is

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Only 300 ? I dropped about 800 in Season 9 out of nowhere. Took me 2 Seasons to get back up again.