I hope Orisa is more horse-like in OW2

I want to see the horse lady:

  • gallop
  • neigh at least once
  • stomp enemies to death with her hooves

And I need one of her “on fire” and/or multikill voice lines to be "watch out! I’m on a stampede!"


Remove both her arms

Bam, more horselike



You monster! How will Orisa pet her puppy without any arms? :scream:

Seriously though, I really do want Orisa to have some kind galloping ability/stomp attack in OW2.

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Yeah actually I would love for her to gallop. That sounds hilarious

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Whenever she jumps, give her a knock-back kick to enemies behind her.

Keeps people from getting in too close, but Orisa has to judge where they are. Maybe add a cooldown to the effect to make it more powerful.


but she is a waterbuffalo

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Hero 33 is confirmed to be none other than little Efi. She will replace Orisa, and in fact ride around on Orisa in OW 2.

God I hope not. Efi is ten years old.

I do NOT wanna play a game where I may be forced to kill children.

remove her gun and shield and just have her charge and kick people

We have talking animals :man_shrugging:

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You… you dare refer to the battle cattle as a horse!?

People keep calling her a horse when that’s clearly not correct.

Horses have four legs. Orisa has six limbs.

Orisa is an insect. She even looks like a beetle and has a pair of beetle skins as well.

I don’t want her to have a gallop. I want her to have that jump from the cinematic, shorter range than Winston.

Dive Orisa. Embrace it.


Give her beetle wings then.

Played a game last night where I flanked the enemy supports by jumping off the high-ground as Orisa, cutting the enemy team from their heals.

May have died, but still felt good to win the teamfight.

Dive Orisa ftw