I hope 1-3-2 comes back

I believe 1-3-2 is a better answer to double shield than nerfing all shields across the board. In 1-3-2 , buff up the tanks , buff up the shields , and finally a tank will feel like a tank.


I wasn’t overly thrilled when they didn’t change a single thing about Ball in that experimental. It makes me wonder exactly what their thought process was when they buffed pretty much every other tank significantly and changed nothing about Ball.

Does Blizzard just hate Ball or something? I don’t think he would’ve ever been worth picking again if those changes went live, but maybe he’s just really good by himself in Blizzard’s internal tests? It doesn’t seem like it…

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You will be forced to play Rein everytime then. What if I want to play Roadhog or Zarya?

The team with Rein will win.

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My main concern is its effect on classic/open modes’ balance if it were to become the main formation. But yeah would be cool.

If 132 comes back it should be on arcade as in mode like qpc is for now.

222 is not going away & they’re not gonna make 132 nor open queue (when it comes) the main focus of the game when it comes to balancing, etc.

Majority of supports have been against 1-3-2.
It felt exactly like pre 2-2-2

Supports would need a major overhaul aswell snipers
Also, I don’t believe that tanks will be happy in the long term. Taking out intra role interactions and synergy will take out a lot of fun of the tank role

i don’t personally believe this, the only reason why having the second tank is fun is because they tend to actually use teamwork with you and play around you and you them, that’s where the fun comes from.

i don’t see how it couldn’t be applied to other roles aswell.

as for inherent good synergy between specific tanks i feel that’s the most annoying aspect of playing tank because it means you probably have to switch off the tank you enjoy to play a tank that synergizes well instead.

there is no fun in having to rely on an off tank to do ltierally anything right now, as main tank,

the fun in1-3-2 is that you can take care of yourself, you can pick whathever character you want, without having to keep in mind “oh but we need a main tank” because all are main tanks,

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What about we keep 222, but we make these changes:
:white_check_mark: Fixing BarrierTanks and OffTanks
Thread created by @GreyFalcon

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In the 1-3-2 environment, Reinhardt actually wasn’t great. Take it from me. Too many attack angles to defend from the enemy DPS and he was too easily kited. It was actually much more effective to lean into the chaos and go something dive oriented.

Either way, I don’t really wanna advocate for 1-3-2 to come back. I’d much rather try 1-2-2 in experimental (5v5) and see how that goes, and if the community doesn’t like it, go back to the drawing board again.