I have given up

sadly true


The redesigns and especially 5v5 actually did not look good. Figure they’re done with the main story campaign and are now working on the PvP part (that’s why they announced 5v5 recently).


On a personal level I feel this. I love this game… but man oh man I feel like something… ANYTHING has to change at this point.

The game is balanced (ish) but I legit think having a balanced game is definitely a double edged sword.

Yes it’s a good thing to have… but balanced= seriously seriously boring. Reinhardt, dva, Zara and hog (kinda) feel like you have some sort of Cheat code sometimes.

That feeling is intoxicating and gets people wanting more.

Console balance feels really weird atm. Feel like they dumpstered half the damage roster with the fall off range.

Playing healer feels like complete Garbo to

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What balance do you want? Balance for GM players who can play the game right, balance for low rank players? People talk non-stop about this “balance” but what even is balance? If you’re thinking of a perfect equilibrium between characters then you have horribly unrealistic expectations

If you expect ‘balance’ in low ranks then thats never going to happen because popularity plays a roll
The best you can expect is balance in GM but that isn’t going to stop low ranks from begging for Reinhardt and Ana every game


It was only announced to serve as an excuse for OW1 going into maintenance mode.


Hello guys, I really understand why some people give up with this game.
However despite all of its things I still love it and would love to make it even better for the future and I’d love if you guys read a post were I explained some minor issues that could be adressed in OW/OW2 so the game becomes even better.

Here’s the link: [Please Read] Quality of Life Updates / A nitpicking thread

I’d really love if you check it out and gave your opinion too.
Maybe with enough attention the devs someday read it too.
I’m trying to get a better trust level to swap the links I provided with the actual images.
I tried my best with a lot of work and edited it a lot of times to make it as clear as I could and including some of your ideas too.
Hopefully you read it too and agree or disagree with it.
Have a nice day.

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Spoiler alert: there is no such thing as a perfectly balanced game, at least not one that everyone will agree on.

I have to say as a Mercy main I did not enjoy the April fools patch. Everyone else gets mega buffed while Mercy gets to… fly to enemies? really?? Lol that was not fun at all.

I can see why everyone else loved it though for sure.

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Okay, I’ll give you the redesigns, some look overengineered for the sake of it. I think however what they showed off of enemy animations, the new maps, and the new feature set looked top shelf. I poop on this game but I’ll give credit where it’s due.
It’ll also have no competition when it comes out, bookmark tthis.

Don’t worry. I also stopped playing this game for about 3 months. I remember it was so fun when I was grinding. I was in silver and that genji buff helped me get to high plat. I lost my joy playing this game because of the dumbas who play this game. I couldn’t understand why they rez in front of the whole enemy team, peek a widow when she has infrasight, lucio beat when the whole team is dead, and shattering the whole team when we all died. I couldnt play this game anymore. Now imma try to play this game but its gonna be hard considering that I forgot most of the mechanics. The only joy I had when playing this game was Reinhardt. genji, hanzo, widow, and ana, but everyone played shield so i couldnt play widow unless i took an offangle.

You have given up in 2021 but actually that’s funny because the OW developers gave up about 2 years before you


It’s always funny to me how the concept of game balance is so very different in every person’s mind. I think this is one of the more impressively balanced games ever and can almost always understand where the devs are coming from with changes. I can only think of a few I didn’t agree with. So much of this community would swear it’s terribly balanced, though, and what that mostly tells me is that people just have completely different ideas of what balance is or should be.

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I don’t think “balance” is even a goal for them, they are just doing something “new” every time to keep things interesting, for better or worse.

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I stopped playing for a year and a bit, came back for a month, found the game really fun then stopped playing again.

Tbh it had nothing to do with balance, the game is just stale. The devs clearly don’t care about the game, most OG pros or streamers quit long ago along with 90% of the playerbase and its too late for Blizzard to do anything about it.

I can’t remember the last time I played Overwatch lmao. It must’ve been at least 6 months I think. The sooner you realise that ActiviBlizzard only cares about money and not player enjoyment and the sooner you seek out other games,the better it’ll be for you in the long run. I freaking loved Heroes of the Storm,but they killed it too and now it gets new content literally once in a blue moon.

Why play Blizzard games when you can do some self care and play other PvP games that get content and even story/lore on a more regular basis? I’ve been playing League of Legends and Valorant and I literally have a 100 times more fun than I did in Overwatch. Sure,you usually need to spend money to get skins in those games,but it’s a small price to pay I guess (pun fully intended).

League is getting a 2-part summer event that revolves around the current story that’s going on. We’ve gotten 2 short stories in the past few weeks as well,one revolving around around Leona & Diana and Hecarim & Viego I believe? Also,Riot has a tendency to give skins to more forgotten/unpopular champs every now and then. (Pour one out for my fellow Sym mains.)

Lastly,Blizzard can’t balance Overwatch and it’s their biggest problem. When there’s a huge balance problem,they literally need to change how the game is played to “fix” things. GOATs is a problem? Introduce forced 2-2-2 RQ. Can’t deal with Double Barrier? Make the game 5v5.

Or when a hero is strong in pro play,but absolute garbage everywhere else,they just don’t give a damn and nerf the hero to death anyway.


i WANT to uninstall it but i dont wanna let down my friends


I also have freinds who play and I have to play with them every now and then. Even if my heart belongs with the Last Spell and Guilty Gear Strive at the moment.

Who you maining Roy? I just started trying to main Ky. He just doesn’t feel as fun to me as before :/. He needs… something imo.

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It’s ok, Blizzard gave up way before you did.

Let’s be realistic, most of the sucked and were total jokes that would never work.

Sigma flying but with no shield?
Zen flying?
Mercy GAing to enemies?
Dva remech killing enemies that somehow made it into the game?
Mei as a tank?
Bap huge healing boost?

Only ones I remember that were functional were Moira’s cooldown and Bap’s IF nerf. Everything else was a troll.

Everytime I come back to this game for the monthly content, I feel pain. This isn’t how games are meant to be felt… wait I can think of a couple of games like this nevermind.