I hate trolls and downrankers

I am trying to get into comp as tank.
Absolutely EVERY SINGLE MATCH (except 1 so far) we have at least one troll. I can’t do anything else than farm deaths.
A 1.7k dps mei telling me I should uninstall. A 2k 2 kill hanzo and his personal pocket mercy that never healed the team telling me to stop breathing.

People doing absolutely NOTHING and I will end up yet again in effing bronze.

How the F Word am I supposed to EVER get out of this crap when every single match is with absolte freak creatures?

Finding players to play with is impossible. Everyone looking only for plat+ or whatever.

I am absolutely not saying “I am so good, everyone else is bad”, absolutely far from that. But I can clearly tell if someone is absolutely doing everything they can to make the match a loss.

Ya sure report them but there are 589598320 others in queue just to make sure they end up in bronze, so they can easily stomp new and low players. I am so god damn sick of it.
Let me effing play with REAL players that at least TRY something.

EVERY single season I try to play its the same effing thing.
I am 6 of 10 matches in the rank-in and only won ONE SINGLE GAME because we had no troll, no afk, no downranker, no “I am solo god” that perma dies or other stuff. We had people that did just play the game and had fun.

It’s so frustrating.


When you get good team mates, (it does happen, honestly), click the ‘Stay as team’ button, add as friends, do your best to play with decent team mates.

If you’re new to tank, protect your life. Play corners, ie don’t stand in the middle of main getting blasted by everyone. Stay alive. Attack squishies as priority, ie support and DPS. Stay alive. Did I mention staying alive as much as possible? Try not to die.

I enjoy playing tank, but it can be frustrating. Stay calm, it’s only a game. Just stay alive and attack supports and DPS mostly.

Stay alive.

I play Overwatch since OW1 but mostly just casual because I don’t have the nerves and absolutely not the skill for high ranks. I’d probably be in silver/gold if players would let me. Deffo not higher.

Love playing as Rein. I am far from “good” or anything but I enjoy tanking with a players that actually play. I know that there are some single real nice players out there but you meet them like once in a blue moon on weekdays without a vowel.

Staying alive is the problem. If your team just doesn’t give a crap, you can not stay alive. You just die because no one heals, or the heals play DD or they try to heal that rambo DD that loves to sit first row hugging the enemy tank that has two heals leftclicking them.

I gladyl take tipps and help to get better, even posted a request which sadly no one ever did so, with replay codes.

Friending the few people I meet that actually were good team mates accept the friend but accept/react to whispers or party requests :confused:

no trolls just people feed up with the ranking system … so there is no point – i get 61 kills 34,000 damage still loose because people in silver playing like bots.

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i get throwers in my matches, reported them but nothing happens

its so bad.

it is extremely frustrating and tilting

4-20 isn’t throwing?/trolling? meanwhile, you cannot type anything in chat or they will perma ban /suspend/ chat mute you

Because stats aren’t that relevant.

No point getting 60+ elims if most of them are after fights are lost.

Lol you lose in low rank and expect to rank up? Get yourself out of bronce or stop crying

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