I hate this stupid character

You are huffing some major copium ngl lmao

ULT charge should be nerfed into oblivion with how cheap and easy yet effective it is
We no longer have shield meta and they give us that AOE crap?

I wouldn’t go that far
Divers (including tanks and drill) are ridiculous now but everything else are at least acceptable for me

Same, and my peak was Plat 5. If even a metal rank player can see it, isn’t that somewhat concerning?


I feel like the balance team needs to take a long hard look at the ever-growing list of pubstomp heroes below Masters.

What’s crazy to me is that they moved Doomfist from DPS to Tank because
A) He has plenty of CC in his kit
B) Gains shields
C) Does a combo that deletes you in half a second

THEN they released Venture.


Venture reminds me of Flankrat but more consistent, with better poke and safer. Pain.


It used to be “mehh Plat scrub” and now it is master
I wonder how long will it take from people saying “It doesn’t work within T500, git gud”
Isn’t Master considered very high now, especially after the rank reset?

Another hero to make me swap off Zen to Moira.

Oh well.


I see Venture as a subterranean Pharah that is more tanky. Most of their abilities are extremely similar.

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She is just dps Doomfist with another conception.

She reminds me a lot of Doomfist when he was first introduced. Before he got nerfed and then turned into a tank.

I quit reading that far. How can you say that? Or have you played Venture yet? Because the only way you could think Venture (who can burrow underground) has a “horribly designed kit” is if you hadn’t played the character yet.

Venture is what you get when you create the version of Junkrat Bronzes complain about.

No aim, no skill, ridiculous damage.


lol anyone who plays them is “good”. Thats the point. Takes ZERO skill. Reminds me of Orisa

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Also forgot ‘incredibly squishy despite self shields’

Honestly, more I play with and against Venture…it’s as I suspected; fun to play sometimes, others frustrating because range etc, but also incredibly frustrating to play against.

Imo, they need to nerf the burst and buff consistency.

Such as:

  • lower CD on drill dash, lower damage
    -More primary fire ammo, slightly faster fire rate, lower damage
    -Less clunky burrow; faster burrowing ( I don’t think this one needs a trade off)
    -More self shields or more range

I mean prior to OW2, it was top 5/6%. I think it’s reduced because the rank system makes it hard (read: almost impossible) to climb even with long winstreaks, but no idea what the official data is.

Junker queen has three abilities. Venture only has 2 abilities. I think you missed something there.

I’m glad someone said it. Thier kit is obnoxious… for me then really annoying thing is mobility x invuln x vertical mobility all in one ability. And Thier ult does too much dmg and doesn’t need to be a cone. Turn that cheap thing into a line aoe.

The only counter they have is range. I find it so boring when range is the only reliable counter to something.

Seems like you think venture needs overall buffs while also considering buffing the most frustrating parts of the kit, drill dash and shield gain.

Venture has too much sustain just dashing and pushing around tanks who are supposed to be dangerous at close range, but they just drill in no fear and get shields