I hate this game's community

That’s all I have to say. I’m trying to get good at playing DPS only to get flamed at being bad. Like wtf. What kind of game is this unfun to try to learn a new role?


There’s toxic players in every online game. That’s not to defend the bad behavior, but it’s not really unique to Overwatch.

I definitely think Overwatch has one of the most toxic communities. You can always turn off Match Chat and Team Chat while you learn.


Pretty sure that’s roughly every online community. That’s why people in MMOs don’t tank because they get screeched at for not knowing every mechanic.

Heck I pulled one extra mob pack on accident in WoW once and the healer flipped out, called me trash, and left. Definitely not exclusive to Overwatch.


Just never join voice.

If they want to be a keyboard warrior then you could turn that off too if it’s bad enough.

Just remember the people who do that are the ones that lack confidence in themselves.


Boy, I hope you’ve never played League of Legends. Compared to that game, Overwatch is poster for sanity.

Welcome to online gaming.

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Turn the chat off, especially if you are still learning.

This game becomes instantly better if you forget the chat exists.


No worries, it hates you to. :relaxed:


Ok, that got me to chuckle. I needed that. Thank you.


Suck it up and get better. That’s what i do.
It does not happen often that i get call bad but most of the time, they were right.

I once got a scroll of resurrection from a friend in WoW. I used it on my tank, hadn’t played in years.
I went straight into a dungeon and proceeded to taunt all the mobs in the area. I don’t think I’ve ever seen people that angry before :^)

Here’s part of the issue:

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I stopped using voice chat years ago as I got tired of men getting mad at me for not being one. I ended up climbing to GM on support and tank in ow1 without any comms and chat turned off. Don’t let insecure people bring you down, just focus on improving and you’ll eventually reach your goals.


Back during my old L4D2 days I once joined a match, got called some slurs and was told I was the worst player ever, then got kicked from the match. Before I had even left the safe room.

I miss that game :pensive:

I hate it too, but for different reasons.

I was backfill into a game with a 6 stack. Their 6th had DCed and it replaced them with me. The team immediately started calling me every racist, sexist, foul name in chat they could come up with like it was my fault, telling me to leave. The 6th rejoined as spectator and started doing the same. Reported them all and left and got the “someone you reported had action taken against them” message a week later. :relieved:

Jerks in every game though.


Getting offended by random people who you don’t even know in real life and who don’t owe you any thing and that too online? Couldn’t be me

Honest question – have you played another team based game and experienced a different outcome?

To me, it’s the tragedy of how **** our society is.

probably that is e-girl who expect to do little job carried by everybody ( not all girl is bad just e-girl )
nobody complained about that when i play FF14 as tank and accidentaly pulled extra mob

no one should flame anyone. thats as simple as that is

but the ladder experience is bad, its not because of matchmaking or this and that as people like to say.

its because people either refuse too swap to the proper hero or dont know what the proper hero is and that can ruin a game for a team.

once you have stopped climbing and you are at your proper rank you’ll have roughly a 50% winrate. but when you get people that are stubborn in your matches…it can feel bad.

we all have those days, i dont flame people. but i will sometimes vent to a friend outside of the game about it.

if your in ranked and ppl are flaming you, its not really your fault that the matchmaker has you too high. if your in QP, its just bad players complaining because they suck too.