I hate that Bastion is who we get for the "big guns" hero

Cause his hero is trash. His gameplay is trash. Noone likes playing against or with a Bastion.

Big guns are the best guns. Miniguns and gattling guns are awesome.

Such a shame to see this weapon category wasted on such a useless and forever useless hero.


You mean heavy weapons guy that can walk in sentry mode?

its funny, because the easiest and most broken thing they could ever do to make bastion good is have him move in sentry mode. not super fast, maybe at reinhardt’s old barrier speed, but it would be enough to make him meta real fast

Zarya has a big gun. Guess you hate lasers.


Yes, or Tychus from HOTS, I have over 120 levels on Tychus cause miniguns feel awesome and so do giant mechs.

Doesn’t feel the same as a hail of bullets.


Orisa exists, she basically has a machine gun too,

but bastion just needs to be buffed


I like Hog’s Scrap gun but I get it. There’s Orisa’s gun but its weird.

I like this idea for a Bastion rework to make him good:

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Orisa also has a minigun. But if thats not enough, Mauga will be a hero in the future with dual miniguns.