I had an idea about mercy

Make res like zilean ult from lol. Temporary buff, when you die during it you get ressed, if timing is not correct you die. Its the best res mechanic i can think of rn. And make her beam like zarya, thin tracker (maybe higher hp/s). Raise skill floor and skill ceiling

Also, it stops the "hide and rez’ tactic people keep bringing when it comes to mass rez.

I like it.

Just look up zilean. His ult timings on high elo have to be perfect, you can change whole teamfight with 1 zilsta ult. I´d rather have that mechanic with the zarya beam mentioned above making mercy stronger indeed. But way way more skill reliant when she has to zarya beam her healing.

I am aware. Some other users have pitched Zilean’s style of ressurect and I do support it.

If you want you can try pitching your idea on this thread.

If we give her a Zarya beam, how would you change Guardian Angel?