I guess y’all like goats

We have one reliable counter, Sombra, and so many of you guys are asking for nerfs for no reason. The only reason sombra is good is because goats is a bunked up comp and sombra takes advantage of that. If sombra is facing a dps oriented comp that is spread out individually, she isn’t that great. Please leave sombra alone.


I wouldn’t take the people asking for Sombra nerfs too seriously to be honest. We just had one of the largest patches in the history of the game, armor got changed significantly again, several goats heroes were nerfed, and multiple DPS were buffed.

I don’t believe the average player knows what the meta will shake out to be, let alone Sombra’s strength in it.


There are multiple things that irritate me about the Sombra complaints.

  1. Her kit has remained unchanged. Only now are people complaining about it. When before it was “she’s high skill, you’re just bad” - it’s now become “she’s a braindead hero”. Hypocrites.
  1. The majority of complaints are from users who do NOT frequently go against good Sombra players. Even in GM, where coordination is at its best, she barely has a winrate above 50% this week. The people complaining DO NOT go against good Sombra players (sub one or two who are borderline trolls with how biased they are against any hero that counters their main). Their “complaints” have no weight.
  1. An ultimate that requires extensive team follow-up to get use out of it since it has extremely little solo-impact potential, should, not, be, easy, to, counter. It SHOULD be impactful if your entire team has to help.
  1. Complaints I see saying it’s an easy team-winning ultimate - I’m watching OWL. The same thing that people are referencing and trying to push the idea that she needs a nerf. And I’m watching the Sombra EMP and STILL lose the team fight.
  1. She has a negative winrate. Even in OWL. She is losing more often than winning.
  1. People complaining about her infinite stealth and translocator, were the same ones who fought against us Sombra mains when we said we never wanted those changes. But we were told “git gud” instead. Ironic now that they’re the ones complaining.

doomfist main here - showing solidarity. leave my counter sombra alone i deserve every death from hack


Saying Sombra is a GOATS counter is like saying Zenyatta is a GOATS counter.

The only time they can have enough impact to perhaps be ‘countering’ a GOATS comp is when they’re integrated into GOATS themselves.

That isn’t countering.


Damn, the nobility.

For what it’s worth, while I never have been a fan of Doomfist, I’ve always openly said he’s deserved to be viable and fun for his mains, and I stand by that still. I’ll deal with my crappy feelings towards Doomfist and work through them because he has a place in this game, too.


i will say one thing though its kinda sad that a sombra can “force” a zen to trans just by appearing and saying a few spanish words :joy:

I’m actually finding he’s scarier to 1v1 or even solo EMP now that he has his own base damage buffed. :frowning:

I’ve been cheeky and solo EMP’d, only for him to beat me down lmao.

I absolutely hate his gameplay and think he would have been better with the same / similar kit as a tank with less burst damage.

But I absolutely agree with this. Blizz should strive to make every character viable. It sucks when these cool characters end up left to rot in the dust of other heroes.

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They all use the same damn argument “ShE CaN HaCk yOu fOR i8 seC0NDs”

I wonder form which streamer they got it.


forgive my ignorance - which streamer? seagull or xqc would be my guess lol

My favorite is “She can hack you for 18 seconds!”

If you hack, EMP, then hack.

But…she just disabled you three times. And she still couldn’t beat you. PoWeRfUl KiT. Lol.


I think that applies to a lot of characters

Zarya can force zen to ult just by saying some russian words

Genji can force zen to ult just by saying some japanese words

Soldier can force zen to ult just by announcing he’s looking at you


oh i know all that, i meant that you can spook the zen into popping trans, and then translocate out without wasting EMP. a good zen knows when he hears the sombra voiceline coming out of stealth, it’s generally a good idea to pop trans to save your team.

Especially now after the buff. Pros are saying he’s brokenly OP now with the knockback changes I guess.

I would gladly deal with an OP Doomfist if it meant Sombra wasn’t going to get nerfed into the poopdeck, but it will happen, because she’s F Tier and has a skill called hack and is ruffling feathers with GOATS comps in OWL.

It’s just a matter of time sadly.

tbh i didn’t think the cooldown reduction was needed. Doomfist was always a “peaks and troughs” hero for me. His pace is faster which i admit feels f-ing good but yeah. I’d have been satisfied just with the seismic slam fix.

But i don’t think that the CD reduction is enough to nudge him into a meta spot or make him more popular

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Heroes like Sombro and Terry Crews will always be complained about. There kits are designed to be frustrating.

Now consider Sombra, whom is on the chopping block already to be nerfed.

She’s an F Tier character!

Doomfist has never been in F Tier… yet.

I agree he needs tweaking specifically on his ult, but he’s far from not being viable.

“The Sky is falling” mentality is why people think he needs to get buffed.

Makes an Hammond main life miserable in the end though. But to complain about her because of it. That’s an hard crossroad to follow.

I find that most complaints about Sombra and wanting her nerfed always feel they are “oppressed” from her hack. Well THAT’S THE POINT. Sombra vs any non-hacker hero, Smbra will get steam rolled. When Sombra hacks you, she’s bringing you down to her level. It’s now a 1v1 shoot-off with your main attack.

In short, people that want her nerfed don’t like having to fight her on a level playing field. They want an easy kill.