I guess this is it guys

I think the time has come for me to uninstall Overwatch and I seriously thought this day wouldn’t come. I played OW since the closed beta, loved the game just from touching the it. OW1 is what truly taught me why touching grass causes anaphylaxis.

Sadly, the game is no longer once it was. Blizz went through the whole cosby suite shebang, broke their publicity and launched all the talented devs out the door. Stolen breast milk, stolen dreams.

More and more budget cuts keep happening, which means my pilot light is slowly going out. If less and less updates keep happening as well as updates that just break the game then the game is going down a 90 degree angle. Faster than beads falling out of a hole.

To be honest, these bi-monthly patches are starting to feel like they’re just tiny changes to attempt to define a new patch with pretty much no work. Call it a patch all you want, this was not a patch. Recent patches might as well have been the attempt to turn OW into Maplestory which isn’t too far off.

We wait 2 months for hope that this DPS passive that absolutely breaks the game would be removed. Shocked an amazed, they buffed the DPS passive back to 20% after people keep complaining that it’s too OP. 15% was barely tolerable but back at the 20% dumpster fire we go. The DPS passive is about as comfortable as passing a kidney stone.

That avoid list thing? Don’t even get me started. It’s kind of useless if you just keep streamer mode on. They wont be able to tell who you are from initial interaction and they wont know who you are on the list - it’s useless. This is something I would be shocked and amazed if they managed to fix. To be honest, it would feel like an out of season April Fool’s joke if the managed to.

I personally had some hope when OW2 came out. The game went dry on patches for 3 years; I thought the game might have more to show. Turns out, 5v5 is a total dumpster fire. They keep trying to change the way the core of the game works to try to, “fix” 5v5 when it is basically unfixable. The team format in game was never designed for overwatch and it never will work. 5v5 is a mistake, as well as OW2.

I have hope that OW classic is left on the back burner, knowing what little Blizzard has to show for. Sadly, from the recent news about more layoffs is wringing the last bit of hope I have for this. With no Blizzcon this year, we can’t expect this at any time in the next year or two. Who knows, with how hard Microsoft is gutting Blizzard, I wouldn’t be shocked if Blizzcon gets discontinued.

OW2 is hitting the exact same road HOTS went down, if OW2 continues down this path then it eventually will find itself with no more live-service right after the game is milked clean. For this reason, I would rather just not be active to watch it all happen.

I would like to make it clear, OW2 is not dead. It’s dead to me but it’s not dead, at least not yet. The game could have 200k active players but if Blizz isn’t make any or enough $$$ then they will continue to cut budget until there’s nothing left. Then OW is dead and it would take a miracle to turn this around. If I were you, I would save this miracle for the winning lottery numbers.

Anyone recommend any shooter titles? I’m personally hyped for Marvel Rivals, we will get to see what it’s all about on the 10th.


Blizzard and OW2 don’t deserve your dedication.


Should be interesting to see what happens on this upcoming Tuesday


Everything you said was fine until being excited for the Marvel game

We know it’s gonna be a dumpster fire, c’mon. Don’t waste your time there, get Crab Souls instead.


I’ll see but I won’t be trying. I’ll leave the CBT for people that still want to play.

Hey, man. I’m not going to hold my breath, the only thing we know about the game is a trailer that looks like a Marvel hero-styled MOBA in an OW-ish format. Until the 10th I’m hyped but not conclusive.

This crab game you speak of looks good. Sums up indie games. AAA studios have it so bad.


You can falsely report the post all you want, nothing I said was ban worthy but I understand, you’d rather just live in la-la land where you don’t have to read feedback from unhappy lifelong players.

The game needs fixing. It’s broken.


I will end up uninstalling OW2 by end of this year. I do want to leave by this season end. Not sure when. I been playing OW for 8 years now and kinda losing interest in playing it ever since OW2 launch.

Heroes even new does not seems to interest me like it did before. Maps are meh at best. Like you i thought they would tone down dps passive a bit but they went increased it again. This team feels completely clueless.

Honestly the only reason i came this far was due to pve mode. I was so excited but they went crushed all my hopes.


Can someone tldr; this?

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Same, see you tomorrow!


It’s honestly sad that people get so sensitive over tiny mistakes. I want to start off that I myself am non-binary. I look like a dude; I act like a dude. While we’re being honest I was calling Venture he most of the time; everyone can be wrong. No one is perfect.

Yeah I feel you. I think my playtime is pretty close to yours. I applaud, I cannot stay another day longer here. The next patch is unappealing to whatever they’re trying to fix and it only somehow gets worse. Good luck in your games.

I think heroes were more thoroughly tested back then and much more budget was put into making these heroes. Player population was big enough back then to make games actually skill matched instead of 50/50 garbo. DPS passive needs to go, it easily makes tanks miserable. Most of the support roster is garbage, pick anything other than moira and zen then you’re a thrower.

I feel you, I think everyone that is from the original OW community are feeling crushed at this point.

I tried to keep it humorous to keep people reading. Think of it as a witty way to tell something based on a true story that happened at BlizzHQ that blew a once lovely game into shattered broken glass. Tried to keep grammar and punctuation perfect so it doesn’t make eyes bleed.

Hard pass, I keep a large verity of games going. I’ll be around the forums but not ow. I honestly just need a new shooter game to main in. Enjoy your games.


Overwatch died nearly two years ago. Overwatch Dos is an entirely different beast. I can see why they wanted to call it a sequel NOW.

Either way, as long as I can crack skulls with my hammer… I have a feeling I will stick around. But seriously, if they take that away from me too, there will be nothing left. I am running out of parachutes.


I’m just waiting for two things now.

First is 6v6 come back. Single tank doesn’t work for many reasons. My hero, Tracer, is meta now yet I’m not playing (1) the game. It’s not as fun as it was in 6v6 and won’t be. Also everything is overtuned now with escaping abilities which makes it even worse.
I’m missing 2CP maps too :frowning:

Second is better Battle Pass system.
I wish to just pay for BP and unlock visual content. Or at least let me finish BP later. Time gating it is so so so tedious and annoying. I have enough of dailies at this point. I don’t have time or energy for farming modes or roles I don’t want to play.

(1) I’m not counting farming BP as playing


I guess to me. It feels like a major betrayal to have something that I paid for, get “taken” away from me.

One hopes that when they sign on to a live serviced game, that they never shift it much from the original core mechanics design.

And yet it somehow managed to happen. yet again.

World of Warcraft was the same way for me. once they patched it away from the original design of the game. it lost its Magic.

I got tired of relearning the game every time after blizzard would release Over-tuned character classes in and after WOTLK. “Death knights”, “monks”. “Worgens”,. or fully change an entire way the game was played. Which is why I quit. and have not been back since.

I hear “nostalgia” thrown around, but if this game was launched as a paid for game today, and I tried it out. i wouldn’t buy it. I wouldn’t even put in the time on it. I’d ignore it.


Well ow is fast get in play a game with 10 other humans. Sure often the matchups suck balls but I love the game. Just wish I was better at it :smiley:

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The game will never be fixed. Micro$oft would sooner permanently can it than give them more money to revert back to 6v6 or make some OW classic game. It’s a dead game, it doesn’t make enough money, Blizzard admitted to that about 5-6 weeks ago. Every change they made to push this scam literally failed and the consequence is going to be the total loss of the game, just give it until next year.


I’m not going to read all that, but I think most people already saw this coming as soon as Blizzard mentioned cutting back on PvE prior to Overwatch 2’s release after slowing down content immensely for Overwatch 1. It’s the same reason why my Overwatch friends list went from around 50 to 0 these last few years. Maybe Microsoft will release a new game with Overwatch IP in the future?


Y’all are so melodramatic, if I think a game is crap (and I’ve thought quite a few periods of this game are straight up awful) I just stop playing. The game is the best it’s been in at least the past few years. All three roles are fun and impactful.

The game is in an awful state and you should take a break at the very least.

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Some support main in shambles that dps aren’t harmless little ducklings anymore.

What do you play on?
If console
Play borderlands
Now that’s what I call fun

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