IMO ball is not viable in gold elo. He is viable in Bronze and Masters+ it takes a team to work with ball, great mechanics, and disciple to not feed. In bronze you can make anything work.
Maybe post some replays then and ask for feedback?
One big thing I’ve noticed good ball players do is be able to piledrive off nearly any tiny ramp mid-fight. Have you been practicing your piledrive tech to rack-up that damage?
I think you should post a replay, I play ball pretty often and would say he is my best tank. In lower ranks the more actions per minute you can preform the better and try to target lower health pool hero’s with your cc and follow up shots. Also as someone else said learn the tech as it helps greatly.
Not only does QP not have the competitive rule set of technically infinite rounds or draws, but teamwork is almost non-existent in QP while in competitive, at least some people try and coordinate plays.
So, are you aware of certain playstyles to try and force a draw or overtime? Or purposefully letting a cart get to a certain spot before winning the fight so that when you attack you won’t be stuck in a certain spot? Cause you won’t learn that in QP.
Hammond’s piledrive does up to 100 damage, do you have any idea how many abilities and primary fires can be combo’d with that to confirm a kill? In other words, are you using your mic and letting your team know what you’re doing so they can follow-up on your plays?
Really wish it did tbh. Maybe not necessarily infinite rounds but at least swap offense and defense so you play with/against the same team on the same map. Would make QP matches feel a lot more complete.
Squeaky wheel gets the oil, right? Man I wish people talked about the right things instead of just complaining about leavers and how matchmaking sucks. People just don’t understand how to have a constructive conversation now a days.
It’s just become a contest for who can be more outraged so they can use it to justify why they should get their way. Doesn’t matter who is actually right, just who can shout the loudest.
Makes me wish more people built their own communities in places like discord (and OW had in game support for stuff like clans). That way they can have a group of people they can build chemistry as they play. Works better in games that aren’t primarily PvP but would still be helpful.
Its just because people in QP are less coordinated and serious, and you are probably used to that, so when you hit Comp you’re playing below that tier.