I get a callback error when I try to link my Blizzard account and Twitch account

It opens a window with this link:
https:// id . twitch . tv/connections/callback_error

and it is just a blank page that never loads.


Log out of Twitch completely, clear out your web browser cookies then try logging back in and try linking the account again. If that does not work, you will need to reach out to Twitch for assistance.


I had this same error too, and your solution fixed it! Thanks!

The add blocker might be blocking the link as well, since i tried connecting on Google Chrome that i have add block on, i got the same blank link, but when i tried other browser like Opera, which i don’t have add block on worked for me.


TY SO MUCH. I was rly worried about it. Ur solution worked. thank you again :slight_smile:.


Thank you so much @WyomingMyst. Worked well logging out and clearing the web browser cookies!

Thanks for the solution, it solved the problem

I can’t get the 2 sprays I got them but they won’t go to the game I play on Xbox if you want to contact me send me a Gmail @00andrewgonzalez@gmail.com

this worked, thanks.

This worked for me, too. I just logged in and connected my account in chromes incognito mode.

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It works like a charm, thks dude