I gave open queue a chance

As Jessicka said, there is no reason for you to complain about a mode that you don’t like when there is one that you do like. Your thread serves no purpose. There is nothing for Blizz to fix because people who like the mode… well, like the mode… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Yes, you should, those threads are always fun.

In all seriousness, I am relatively convinced that 222 and open queue cannot coexist. The playerbase is spread too thin. It just has to be one or the other, imo.

You’ve already given up though. You yourself said that you’ve stopped playing the mode. The only conclusion you seem to have come to is that -you- don’t like it. There is no issue here because you’ve got an alternative mode to play, 2/2/2 comp.


It’s been done, as has the response and the response to that response. The exact same thing from the other direction has too.

More useful would be a mega/trash thread to dump these all into. Perhaps one each so that the respective echo chambers don’t have to consider an opinion from the dreaded other side :woman_shrugging:t6:

I mean, Open Queue is just for DPS players who don’t want to wait in queue. Why a support/tank main would ever solo Open Queue is a mystery.

To have a higher rank? Reality is most tanks and supports climb for free in that mode.

I’ve found that people play 2-2-2 anyway. People only try playing GOATS for nostalgia, and end up mirroring for fun. This just proves- if the dev team balance around 2-2-2 but allow the option to swap, it works.


My purpose in playing it is to give it a chance (as the title said) and give my honest thoughts on it in hopes the dev team will read it and take it to heart.

That’s fine and all until you consider the fact that the community will (a) be even more divided and (b) queue times for EVERYONE will be longer statistically speaking.

I honestly don’t mind open qur, and that’s kinda ironic because I’m a support main. I picked up mercy back in open que days and honestly open que made me love the support role. I got to do something to help the team, and also I got to play mercy who is a high mobility healer.

I was a heal bot back then. honestly I had fun just healing my team. getting thanked by everyone and also getting a ton of endorsements for playing supports and playing them well. Idk that might be just me, but I do kinda miss the days of solo healing a little, though i love 222 and being able to know I will have a tank and another support to help me.

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I think RQ does fine for players, but OQ can feel a little sparse, if it had some more legitimacy, outside of Arcade perhaps it would change.

I made that thread:


Yes, but you have to remember that open queue was around before 2/2/2. Open queue was the “standard” mode we had when the game was launched / sold to the majority of people. 2/2/2 is the new kid on the block, so splitting the player base is on 2/2/2, not on open queue.

When I purchased this game all those years ago, it was on the understanding that it was open queue. It is much more of a disservice to me and people like me to then delete that mode.

The statistics Jeff posted showed that a large portion of the player base prefer open queue.

Queue times are perfectly acceptable on open queue. I dunno what it’s like for 2/2/2, but that’s the sacrifice people have to make for their -new- game mode. New, because it is new. Open queue is the original, standard way of playing Overwatch.


Try saying this to a reviewer for a video game or a movie they just saw and gave a bad score for.

Do you even know what “feedback” or “criticism” is?

Are they just not allowed to talk about it because they didn’t like it? I guess everything has to be peaches and cream for them to voice their thoughts, according to you.

Well, you have an alternative game mode to play. If that wasn’t the case then I’d see reason to complain.

It’s like you have apples and oranges available to you, but you don’t like oranges, so instead of just eating the apple and allowing people who like oranges to eat oranges, you’re complaining about the oranges.


My problem is it is it’s just another smurf ground.

I tried it out and I proved to myself that I wasn’t crazy with 3+ DPS matches being an extremely common thing, that 1 or no support matches is an extremely common thing.

It’s laughable that forum warriors tried to play it off as just “remembering negative experiences more”, like no idiot this is reality.

I didn’t mind the GOATS matches as at least it’s a suitable team comp. It’s the times that you just lose from pick screen that made me dislike it.

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Nope. Wrong.

Jeff (or someone in the dev team) posted statistics that showed more people were flocking towards 222 lock.

At the expense of more toxicity and weaker match quality.

How though? First off, you have quickplay classic. Second, I can argue that it was a bad disservice by the dev team for not putting any restrictions in place against elements that made the game unfairly balanced on one side or another.

No, it’s for sure on open queue.

The dev team already established that having a balanced team comp and consistently balanced games is the standard for ones enjoyment of the game and if 222 isn’t your cup of tea, they have given you alternatives in the arcade mode.

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Oh, here we go… :sweat_smile: I never said “more” people were playing open queue. I said a large portion of the player base enjoy open queue.

QP Classic isn’t a competitive mode.

No… As I said, people purchased the game when it had an open queue competitive mode. It is much worse to then take that away than simply to add a new 2/2/2 mode.


You mean rather than the open queue squad hijacking every 2nd forum discussion to claim 2-2-2 is the death of OW? There is a lot less on the topic of open queue being bad and 2-2-2 good than the toxic mob claiming the opposite on the forums.

Welp, thing is he made topic about hating it few times alredy, making posts about it in discussions about it would be fine, but like… if he alredy hated it before then we know he do hate it now and he dont need whole new topic to say it right? Its not like he add his point of view to existing discussion, he keep making the same one after few days from the start.
Like you would make topic every few games about how you hate some hero. Ok so you hated lets say moira after 2 games with her, then hated her after 10 games with her, then hated her after 15 games with her… do you need to make new topic to update that every few games?


And I agree there are but statistically, it’s no longer the premiere go-to for the majority of the community. That’s what I’m saying.

And 3-4 DPS comps + the unbeatable slaughter house known as Goats is any more competitive?

Yeah you’re right but then this thing called “time” happened and over time, open queue evolved into a very unhealthy environment that made people not want to play comp anymore because of massive changes that over-centralized the meta.


It did what even mass buffs and nerfs couldn’t do which was kill off Goats.

It made games less of a dice roll thanks to the consistency of team compositions on both sides.

It reduced toxicity over hero/role choices.

It made it so you can play what you want without sacrificing composition quality.