I, for one, LOVE the mercy changes! ❤️

That wouldn’t be to make her heal more overall. It’s to bring beam juggling back into her ultimate. I still have no idea why they gave Mercy an ultimate that lets her stop paying attention to who needs her help right now.

This is the great debate.

More people enjoy having a few moments of doing something everyone can see as a “hey look at what I did” than a sustained and steady string of success.

A widow can be bad all game and think they did good for a one time string of like 3 hs back to back.

Zooming around the map is honestly one of her highest highlights. Its not based around needing gratification from others.

Getting a rez people thought was suicidal. Denying people dying with good juggling. Seeing the dings come in from a blue beam when you time it right.

Denying death by narrowly escaping. Its not for everyone. For those that is is for are the people whose opinion we can take feedback on. Others can play a diff hero and stop trying to ruin mercy.


Because Sojourn is doing well.


No no they’re in the mentality that Mercy might be overtuned with the 55hps buff and despite her usage is fully dependent on pocketing a broken DPS she’s absolutely fine.

They’ll also will probably be one of ye first ones saying she’ll need a nerf because doing more damage means charging Valk quicker. And can’t have that, to them she’s already probably close to being overpowered.

i’m glad you’re enjoying her, i think her new movement is REALLY fun.
unfortunately, it’s dependent on her teammates being around.

i have played MANY games where Mercy and myself (Moira) both have 10k+ healing, but mercy has 0-4 eliminations while i have 20-30. Moira can also escape on her own.

literally what is the point of Mercy existing now?

IMO, she needs:
-much more healing.
-be able to shoot her gun AND heal simultaneously.


At no point have I ever wanted to ruin Mercy. Do you want to see my full list of changes I’d like her to get? Well… here it is. If you read that you’ll notice that I’m not removing anything. Just adding with a bit of shifting.


Edit… also your offhand remark of stop trying to ruin Mercy ignores the fact that she already was ruined for a great many people when Mass Res was deleted.

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Really the one reason Mercy gets so frequently picked is her pocketing. Top 500,GM, Master, pros all have agreed that Mercy only looks good with picks and wins because of Sojourn.


Its because players need a buff not heros.

Meaning they need to actually try to learn and grow as players instead of blaming the game everytime they encounter difficulty

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Thats how “enabler” characters work .

They arent good by themselves, and only become good because of others

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Much of mercy’s value is hard to distinguish. On every long range death in a control map that early death would be the end of a push. A 4v5 fight that wasted at least 15-20 off the clock for a reset or another minute of pointless fighting before losing to numerical advantage. With rez the death is reversed and 5v5 fight continues. No support can reverse 1shots except mercy.

The other thing too is how many assists did Mercy get compared to your elim? Where healing a target thru potentially a death situation due to Moira being unable to follow? Mercy supports Doomfist WAY better than Moira every can.

At the end the direct comparisons are pointless because not every situation is covered by one support. Moira will heal the choke poi ts better. Mer?y supports the wide open areas on the same map better.

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Thing is Mercy is best player as a mobile booster for the whole team-it’s why her mobility has been a key aspect to her kit-to the point where Kaplan even said it was more core to her design than Rez was.

If she’s just gonna pocket a single hero then there’s really no need to have that mobility.

What do you mean by this?

Players need learn and grow as players instead of blaming the game for every hardship they endure, often times caused by their own willful ignorance of the game…

The best example i can give was in ow1 plat lobby. Tracer on my team spent entire match trying to get a single kill on a pharah…
Of course myself and someone else pointed out they either needed to swap to deal with pharah or target someone else… tracer player proceeds to go off calling us all toxic and how they know how to play…

The game has a massive problem with players who think they are better at the game than they actually are, and think they understand better than the actually do…

And when they encounter hardships they struggle against due to this ego… they blame others or they blame the game… as they cannot hold themselves accountable due to said ego

Sadly many of these players belong to the “profitable audience” so blizzard will pander to them

Now,why did y’all flag this :skull:

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Shes doing “good” at high levels due to her just being able to pocket a Sojoran so that they could kill 80% of the cast and not being able to die cause u press space bar or Ctrl

Did people really flag this? You guys are getting sad now.

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Problem is that currently, Mercy is actually quite weak when compared to other supports, but all other supports can do the things she does better, with the exception of res and damage boost (kinda), which are unique to her. Damage boost can technically be replicated by Matrix though. Mercy has almost no offensive potential, not that she needs it, but if she is going to have no dps, then her hps needs to be significantly higher than 50hps, as Moira can do almost everything Mercy does but better, including damage, healing (in some cases, really depends on the person), mobility in any case where there is less than 2 people there, and just supporting the team in general.

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If anyone was going to riot and cause problems over a hero change, its most likely to be the mercy players…

Personally i love the changes too… more because its blizzard trolling them essentially saying “learn to aim” to them.

Why does this remind me of the necrotic orb change

It’s hulk he’s just trolling
Even the way he’s talking in this very thread is completely different just to match the stereotypical uwu mercy main energy :skull: