I, for one, LOVE the mercy changes! ❤️

I was already starting to enjoy mercy and all of her cool new movement abilities and being a battle mercy now and then but this will make things even better… Heh… :3

I like how she has a high skill cap nowadays… There’s so much to master!



They are good changes, and buffs are buffs, but they aren’t really the buffs we needed.


Hmm…I’m not sure she needs anymore buffs… The lead balance designer said that she’s doing well at high levels…


She needs lots of changes regardless of her current balance state because she feels like garbage to play as.


Nah… I’ve been having a blast! Pun intended heh…


You mean the same people who thought Sojourn was fine too?

Do you always believe what they tell you? I’d hope you’re able to make decisions on your own.


So… you enjoy being only able to walk at 25% movement speed for 1.75 seconds whenever you use Res? You enjoy everyone else having more say about when you can Res than you do? You enjoy your ultimate’s main direct impact being either a slightly more reliable Moira heal orb or a slightly stronger Zen orb? You enjoy having basically no ability to put out a burst of… anything?

You have a weird definition of fun. Or just really love her mobility… if it’s the second one, I can respect that… but I still think she needs changes.


Yep I enjoy mercy as a whole… It feels so good to be able to revive my friends when they die…



Battle mercy = report

Its that simple. There is no real reason to use the pistol out of valk and some niche scenario where no one is even near you.


I mean you do you I suppose. I’m not going to stop thinking she’d be so much better to play as if they’d just do some simple shifts like make her main heal beam heal for 80-90 and the chains heal for ~40 in Valkyrie.

There’s a 0% chance OP isn’t trolling


Nah… I think she heals enough… And healing isn’t the most important bit of her abilities in my opinion…


That wouldn’t be to make her heal more overall. It’s to bring beam juggling back into her ultimate. I still have no idea why they gave Mercy an ultimate that lets her stop paying attention to who needs her help right now.

This is the great debate.

More people enjoy having a few moments of doing something everyone can see as a “hey look at what I did” than a sustained and steady string of success.

A widow can be bad all game and think they did good for a one time string of like 3 hs back to back.

Zooming around the map is honestly one of her highest highlights. Its not based around needing gratification from others.

Getting a rez people thought was suicidal. Denying people dying with good juggling. Seeing the dings come in from a blue beam when you time it right.

Denying death by narrowly escaping. Its not for everyone. For those that is is for are the people whose opinion we can take feedback on. Others can play a diff hero and stop trying to ruin mercy.


Because Sojourn is doing well.


No no they’re in the mentality that Mercy might be overtuned with the 55hps buff and despite her usage is fully dependent on pocketing a broken DPS she’s absolutely fine.

They’ll also will probably be one of ye first ones saying she’ll need a nerf because doing more damage means charging Valk quicker. And can’t have that, to them she’s already probably close to being overpowered.

i’m glad you’re enjoying her, i think her new movement is REALLY fun.
unfortunately, it’s dependent on her teammates being around.

i have played MANY games where Mercy and myself (Moira) both have 10k+ healing, but mercy has 0-4 eliminations while i have 20-30. Moira can also escape on her own.

literally what is the point of Mercy existing now?

IMO, she needs:
-much more healing.
-be able to shoot her gun AND heal simultaneously.


At no point have I ever wanted to ruin Mercy. Do you want to see my full list of changes I’d like her to get? Well… here it is. If you read that you’ll notice that I’m not removing anything. Just adding with a bit of shifting.


Edit… also your offhand remark of stop trying to ruin Mercy ignores the fact that she already was ruined for a great many people when Mass Res was deleted.

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Really the one reason Mercy gets so frequently picked is her pocketing. Top 500,GM, Master, pros all have agreed that Mercy only looks good with picks and wins because of Sojourn.


Its because players need a buff not heros.

Meaning they need to actually try to learn and grow as players instead of blaming the game everytime they encounter difficulty

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