I started merging the accounts last night and it just finished and it unlocked all the characters but didnt give me anything back. From neither my playstation or xbox account.
I’m having a similar issue, and the website isn’t letting me open a ticket, it just keeps sending me to these generic articles telling me to do stuff I’ve already done.
Yeah, it’s almost like Blizzard doesn’t care about their players. They release a half-assed game with potato servers and tell the players having issues to look at articles of people saying their having issues with no solution.
Hi yall, I just found the patch notes from what they did yesterday and it looks like they’re working on it and have said that things are not lost, it’s just in queue Overwatch 2 Status Update - October 7, 2022
**I have merged my overwatch 1 account with overwatch 2, i did not receive any of my previous skins and or player icons i previously had (including my gold weapons)… i really want them back
I have also merged mine and they said it’s taking time for all of them to transfer even though it says merge complete.
yeah my merged completed and i got none of my stuff hopefully it will come later
Yeah i have all the characters from overwatch 1 now but theyre all blank with no skins and i have no stats or time played on anything. Its just a blank account basically