My duo has played nothing but Weaver for several months, and last night she decided that she needed a little vacation, so she hopped over to DPS. After a couple of matches, I decided that I ought to jump on this opportunity and play Weaver myself
I had A BLAST. I actually got to apply all the experience I’ve managed to pick up from my duo and other mains. I’ve always LOVED watching Weaver replays and reading discussions about his actual gameplay. Finally getting to play him myself felt amazing. I’ll definitely be playing him again sometime when I get the chance. Already considering calling him a secondary
This was the very first match I played as him, by the way. It wasn’t even an easy one at all; I feel like I was being put to the test. I can’t believe we turned it around like this:
Again, this was my first actual Weaver match. Apologies for any mistakes I made (pretty sure I pulled a JQ at one part ughhhh), but I think I did QUITE well considering the circumstances. (And don’t mind the weirdness at 01:54 to 01:57 – I got that little red triangle error icon on the left and went “unconscious” for a moment)
He’s a great pick. People think Kiriko is the only one who can save the tank from anti heal. Wrong crybabies. LW can pull the tank away the moment they’re hit by anti heal. Also Bap with immortality field
I even had a pretty good moment or two like that in that very match, actually. The one I remember for sure was the part where I pulled Bastion just a couple feet back behind a wall when he was purple and low, which even registered as a save
The fact that there are people who still see Weaver as a “weak”, “useless” pick who just “healbots” all the time is stunning. Everything in his kit can be used for so many different things, defensively and offensively. I could just lose myself in thinking up new and unexpected ways to potentially utilize it
He’s easily my favorite of the new heroes too, kit-wise and as a character
I wasn’t around for Overwatch in 2016, but I think I get the idea of that statement. His kit is so unique and creative, definitely not leaning towards the typical “FPS” style. Dare I say, the fact that he exists with this amazing kit kind of gives a person hope for the release of additional super-unique heroes
That definitely. His kit carries that feeling to the greatest extent. But, his character carries some too.
2016 OW had a lot of appeal for not being “white man shooter #324”. Nationalities were celebrated, and people spoke their mother languages openly. TF2 was comparatively “dudes from Europe”.
With Lifeweaver, the nationality angle doesn’t hold as much unique appeal in the 2023 shooter genre. But his male depiction and open representation met the same emboldened steps of inclusivity that I felt from OW in 2016.
His introduction to the game felt good. Like people can get along now and then. Broaden horizons, push boundaries. Felt hopeful.
It feels so good being able to enable friendly and deny enemy plays the way he does, through completely unique means. It feels like we have the power to physically shape how the fight is going or something, not sure how to word it. He can make the impossible happen, anyway. He’s the biggest miracle worker of them all (sorry, Mercy, I’m afraid it’s not even close )
Now that you mention it, I agree
Actually, before he came along, I had always hoped for a male hero with a tender personality and/or a more “feminine” aesthetic. He fulfilled those hopes completely and then some. I love him, his kindness and cheeriness, so much
Not to mention he’s an absolute boss at the same time, definitely not a pushover. The fact that he’s so graceful and has this pink flowery aesthetic on top of everything honestly makes him feel like even MORE of a boss IMO. He has a truly magnificent presence, astoundingly cool. Way cooler to me than anything some random gritty, edgy, macho guy would be capable of
He’s incredibly refreshing in every possible aspect. I’ll forever be thankful for his existence
that is because he would suit 6v6 waaaay better than 5v5, slower pace suits his play style, you would get a chance to use his abilities as team…instead of this braindead tdm ow2 style.
I fast forwarded a bit to get to the team fight, if I can fast forward a video and hear thorns being shot virtually wherever I stop in the video it’s automatically worth my time and that person is considered a good lifewever player.
You killed that reaper perfectly.
You were also shooting before then and managing your healing very well. This should be great.
I had a feeling you might enjoy this one I like to think I did play pretty aggressively. I’m another one of the people who were inspired by the playstyle promoted by Ayanga around here. Long live the Thornweavers
Anyway, thank you so much for the compliment. I hope the replay in its entirely lived up to your expectations, at least partially
You play any Apex? Respawn has got a pan and another openly trans character, with one of her loading screens being a childhood picture of her and her friends while she was the opposite gender.
Call it representation, pandering, whatever; it’s still pretty cool to see the general mindset swing that far in the last decade or so, that it’s possible that some of the most popular games on market find it important to include a diverse cast of characters.
Ummm Bap?
He’s not super feminine, but dude just oozes kindness, cheeriness and good vibes.
Bap is really nice, fun, and friendly, too, yes, but he also has a different sort of vibe. He’s a bit more of a “gritty” kind of character, has a little more of an edge. Lúcio is another super nice and friendly guy who dishes out a ton of good vibes, but he’s also different somehow
Weaver in particular has this unquestionably sweet and nurturing vibe, which is what I really loved to see. His particular gentleness is part of what makes him stand out and makes him feel so refreshing
i wish they did more healer/defensive focused supports as i find them quite fun (LW, Mercy/Brig types), but they have mostly been adding high dps support which makes the game more bursty.