I figured out the one and only strong counter to gravdragon

But it’s not impossible.

Omg. I said unlikely.

You sure did, but you also called me ignorant for addressing something you even admitted could happen.

Yeah saying it was unlikely. I never said it was impossible.

How is resurrecting 1 teammate a good counter?

Zenyatta’s ultimate is definitely a better counter. Especially if Ana their is an Ana in the team.

Referring to mass ress. Where she could ressurect more than one person. Gosh, you should really read all the replies on a thread before replying yourself

I was just joking.

Of course do I know you were talking about mass rez. No way a single rez is a good counter.

The devs has already stated that Mercy will not be reverted so I doubt we will ever have mass rez back.

You clearly misinterpreted what they said. The devs said it will be very unlikely for mercy to go back to mass ress. There is a small chance of them bringing old res back and the outcry in forums, complaining about how op she is further reinforces the idea that they could bring old mercy back.

Also, why would you exemplify your point with a joke?

Give back mass rez as an ult but make it LOS and no inmunity

Put weaker version of valk in E


That would only make her a must pick now, and doesn’t that prove to be unfair to the rest of the healers and roster if only one of them is able to counter something as big as a graviton surge combo?

Lucio can counter some ults in the game, Moira can also do a few, Zen more the both, but mercy could counter them all.

That’s why I wasn’t a big fan, there really wasn’t anything mass res couldn’t counter, it worked in pretty much every situation. but that’s just me👌

I really don’t think they will revert Mercy.

But being hopeful can’t hurt.

That’s not my concern. I’m specifically talking about mercy’s kit but since you brang it up; blizzard can just buff the other healers. Mercy on the other hand cant be buffed or nerfed without steering controversy. Therefore, the natural thing to do would be to bring her former kit back but change it up to make it more balanced e.g make it LOS, get rid of immunity and keep bunny hop.

Reply to BloggerMan:

Dude. He said that he doesn’t have plans for a revert. This doesn’t mean he won’t ever revert her. Lol you purposely misinterpreted what Jeff said. Also, those responses are not contemporary.

As if Mercy wasn’t played enough…

Talking about old mercy which is never played at the moment.

Other healers need to be buffed first and foremost, once they are are viable and useful, then Mercy can get some changes without causing so much trouble. Other wise she will outmode them in every way.

I can agree with that👌

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I honestly didn’t care about the order of events so… yeah… as long as Mercy gets actual good changes and not bs reasons not to change her like, “ShEs PLaYed a loT iN coMp.”

Reaper, Moira, Mei can all escape grav.

They are the anomalies

Here is one
Symmetra ult + teleporter being set away from you, you block damage with ult to allow teleporter to survive and everyone hops though

Teleported has 300hp and sym can die really easily in grav, even without another ult going into it!