I feel so useless as Ana now

Can we please make her recent ‘Buff’ of shooting though full hp teammates an option for Ana?

Shooting through full hp teammates has its uses, i can see that, but ever since the change my accuracy on her has tanked severely.
I feel myself contributing less on Ana for my team now.

Accuracy and healing done has dropped in all recent matches below my average…
And as a support player i can’t be the one slacking…

Can we turn this into an option for her using scroll?
Switch between normal rounds and piercing rounds? It would add a level of depth to her playstyle, and those we don’t use piercing simply won’t use it…

If not this, than simply add it as an option to turn on or off in her controls options.


I mean, I made a thread with over 500 replies, 130~ ish likes, and still no dev response. So don’t hope for anything. I don’t think they want Ana to be good.


There’s a problem with making that a setting, when you give that an option in the setting you allow your settings to have physical impacts on the game, AKA the servers respond differently depending on your settings. When this happens this allows bugs/cheats to be opened up and abused. A good example is currently nothing in your settings options affects something that happens in a game, sure you can change your crosshair and make it easier for you to shoot but it doesn’t change interactions between characters, allowing this option can make bugs like allowing Ana to heal through and heal people with full HP at the same time, opening up possibilities of cheating. This is why I suspect Blizzard didn’t make Lucio’s wall riding an option with this recent buff, it just isn’t worth changing the integrity of the servers for this.

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There’s been posts asking for this since it was on the PTR which then multiplied greatly after they were ignored and the changes were pushed live and guess what? Still ignored :frowning_face:

I don’t hold out much hope but I would dearly love it to be optional. A hero I used to play so much and I’ve not even touched her for an hour since the changes were made live :confused:


You have 4 more shots now, go shoot the enemy for faster nanos.

Yes let’s turn Ana into a DPS hero instead !

I still force myself to play her because I have her golden gun lol.

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I’m feeling more and more pushed back to Mercy.

With Moira’s latest PTR fix which indirectly became a nerf, Mercy seems to be the only main healer who will be semi fun and can get the job done.

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I don’t even bother anymore, Moira and Ana were my favs, so pretty much only going Briggy and Zen to be actually useful now.

As a non Ana player can you explain how the changes affect her accuracy I didn’t play her much before the patch, so I don’t see how shooting through enemies affects healing done.

THIS! Plus i think things like accuracy are looked at every match by the MMR system. The MMR system compares you to other (anna) players so how would you divide the people who use/dont use the option. The one with shoottrough bullets will have lower accuracy but they can still have done allot more.

I am a anna main and it took a few days getting use to the buff but its definetly a buff for me.

I like the idea of being able to switch between the piercing and the prehealing bullets. I wish that’d happen, it’d be a really awesome buff.

The problem is that Ana is really good in high ranks, and really bad in low ranks. So buffing her to be good in low ranks would cause her to be OP in high ranks.

the difference is a shot on a full hp team mate counts as a miss so really nothing has changed u just cant pad ur acc stat shoot full health tanks

ana however is still bad even with this change

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Im the complete opposite. My accuracy has gone down but my healing has gone up. I actually really like her “buffs”.

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There is already a setting that does that. Guardian Angel. You can set it up to follow your current staff target or the target you are aiming at.

Anyway, i’m not a fan of the option “option” either. I would make her pierce full-HP targets only and also apply pre-heal them.

Everyone feels differently about the change. I’m sure the one thing most of us agree on is our accuracy tanking lol.

This buff has been great, it has improved my healing numbers, though yeah my accuracy has gone down, but who cares really as long as I’m doing my job better. And you can still basically preheal if you want, just spam shots at someone you suspect is about to take damage and they’ll start healing once they do. Not exactly the same but close enough and worth it for this improvement.