I feel burnt out, any good games I should play?

Cant wait for king k rool

I started Hollow knight recently and I’m loving it. Mertroid mania games aren’t for everyone (myself included) but I’m really enjoying this one. Sunset Overdrive just hit steam the other day. Looks like a fun solo gaming experience too. Go browse the steam store awhile. I’m sure you’ll find something good that will appeal to you.

If you don’t mind a little research, Subnautica is the first survival game I’ve actually played and enjoyed. I say research because the game tells you very little but is actually quite robust.

If any of you haven’t tried Nier Automata yet, you definitely should.

Witcher 3 is the obvious choice also.

FF15 is also a fun game but with flaws. Really good soundtracks and cinematics though.

Hollow knight is a good game, its single player and a story based game.

They gave away Destiny 2 for free, may as well play that. It’s basically first person Warframe, which is basically Star Wars Battlefront, except you’re actually able to play as a Jedi.

monster hunter.

Or, more advisably, don’t. Let Activision learn their lesson for ruining Bungie.

*Nathan Fillion, who actually doesn’t voice Cayde in the Forsaken expansion. Nolan North does instead.

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Puyo Puyo Tetris.

It’s a better exports game than OW.

Sea of thieves
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Fallout 76!!

I am sorry, too bad joke.

Spyro Reignited Trilogy if you’re into a more chill platformer experience. I’m having a nostalgic blast playing it

Red Dead Redemption 2 is really good as well.

Smash bros coming out in a couple weeks
Gauntlet dark legacy

Red dead redemption 2. Pew pew pew. McCree but an interesting character.

Activision ruins everything. It wasn’t bungo’s fault. The game is still better than it’s been in years and worth a play.

Nolan North = Nathan Drake, hence why I said Nathan Drake.

Play something old and offline that doesn’t give game companies telemetry.

Portal 2
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If you don’t mind turned based games, Darkest Dungeon is hard, but it feels amazing to play and get through

its a very engaging game, and I thoroughly enjoy it

Dead Cells is a fun roguelike

Deaths Gambit is like a 2D darksouls

Nier Automata if you haven’t played it, you have to beat it like 4 times to get the fulls story, and the sstory and game play are amazing

and if you just want another shooter, id say the New COD is they only game with stuff to offer

Red Dead Redemption 2 ive been really enjoying but its tailored to a specific audience