I Enjoy Playing As Mercy

This comment just shows how anti-Mercy you actually are. No Mercy main ever wanted her to be overpowered, no Mercy main wanted the rework. She was considered to be a troll pick pre-rework and that was ok because it was still fun playing her.
Maybe you should stop pretending you knew anything about Mercy - as far as I can see you have no right to complain about us. You never actually play her, so stop lying.

So to summarize: You still do not understand that the Mercy community does not want the hero to be OP but to be engaging and fun to play, you never play Mercy, and your goal with this thread is to encourage hatered against Mercys community. You are a really nice person.
In fact, you are one of those guys who blame Mercys community for her overpowered state post rework, how pathetic.


Yes thatā€™s why I play Mercy and have fun. I am sorry for you not having fun from the game because of a single hero.

But I see, you are one of the people who hide and seek to get HUGE RES to save your team just for to get fun if you enjoy prework Mercy.

I enjoy playing Reaper. Heā€™s fine. Totally not underpowered or useless.
Same for Bastion. And Roadhog.

I also enjoy playing Mercy. But I feel fuvking useless and not much of a help all the time. It is so hard to keep anyone alive with this miserable 50 hps.

Healing tanks is so discouragingā€¦ Imagine healing 200 hp hero as zenyatta holding shift all the time while also being unable to do any actions besides moving.

This is how healing tanks as Mercy feels likeā€¦


Thatā€™s kinda not true but yeah carry on.


I feel your problem. Healing tanks with Mercy is very difficult, but I think devs try to place Mercy as a supportive healer rather than a tank healer. But I still feel strong when I play Mercy with dive or Pharah. No other supports have that kind of mobility or heal trough enemy shields.

Thats kinda not true but okay

The devs reworked Mercy into an OP hero. Consequently the amount of threads calling for a revert skyrocketed.

Why would players ask for a revert into a less powerful version? If they liked being OP they would not do thatā€¦


Would you like to elaborate on why?
One Mercy main wanting her overpowered is enough to prove what I commented on is not true.

And tbh Iā€™ve had people tell me that Mercy should be stronger than other heroes because she attracts players to the game and has a huge player baseā€¦ not an intelligent argument but non the less those people exist.


I never said that all Mercy mains want her OP infact the ones that want her OP are probably a small part of her player base some actually want the double instant rez back which literally means they want her OP.

Iā€™m just pointing out that their are even if itā€™s a small number Mercy mains that want their hero to be OP.

Lol what a great argument. :clap:t2: One person said this so that means everyone agrees.

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Thatā€™s a fine case of strawman.

I never said that, youā€™re trying to argue about something I never even said.

Literally your remark was a straw man too.

Quote me on where i stated all Mercy mains want her OPā€¦ Iā€™m waiting.

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If you talked to the genuine Mercy community you would know that nobody wants Mercy to be overpowered or strong in any situation.
The problem right now is that she is supposed to be a main healer but she canā€™t fulfill this role in higher ranks (already in Diamonds she becomed trash as a main heal) and even though she can work with very organized and divy comp you can have better with moira, ana or even lucio since he basically has her ult in terms of healing every few seconds.

Mercy is now only good to babysit Pharah, Widow or such and she just does not feel nice to play when you know you have 0 way of keeping your allies alive if they are being pushed (as you can with Ana and Moira) and her ult is the worst support ult in the game because the only good thing about it is the damage boost but you can only use that if you are the off heal meaning you sacrifice a defensive ult. Plus her ulti takes so long to charge comparing Ana and Moira who can charge it so quickly.

We donā€™t want to only play Mercy, we want to be able to play her and have fun while being useful, at every rank.
Her mobility is quite well done, sheā€™s fun in that aspect but everything else is too frustrating and/or bad especially in higher ranks.

Also just in terms of chara design, the devs always said she is supposed to be the most reliable source of healing and she is supposed to have the best hps in the game. Right now Moira has way more healing than her and once youā€™ve learn how to balande heal/dps to always have heals you donā€™t have the ressource meter to care about, and with Ana you can also have more hps or at the very least the same.

While I agree with you that Mercy can be fun to play with her mobility, once youā€™ve reached a certain rank in comp itā€™s not enough to play and enjoy her, especially when you main healers.


So a minority dictates what a majority should say? That doesnt entirely justify it since it could apply (a bit off topic here) to pretty much any group irl as well.

Theres gonna be extremists within certain groups, and OW is not an exception. If we keep saying what a minority within a group represents, then theres gonna be a lot of misconceptions and hostility to those who dont think like that.

I cant say much about the last part of your reply since, I havent nor bother reading those kind replies but actual arguments such as her having such a low healing for a main healer, a little to useless ult that is Valkyrie and a really clunky rez for a mobile healer.

Also, literally no one wants their hero to be OP, because we all know what happens, if they do.

I like a good poll as much as the next guy, but the forums are heavily biased towards the ā€œUlt on Rezā€ camp, while other big Overwatch internet groups (mainly r/competitiveoverwatch) are very against it. A better poll would take results from every large internet Overwatch group and combine the results, because this isnā€™t indicative of the entire playerbase (neither is one opinion though)

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This was posted everywhere not just on the forums.

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I believe the survey WAS spread, it wasnā€™t just the forum

Ah, my mistake. Ignore the previous comment.

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