I don't like that I'm being matched with newish players

What’s the average amount of time that a player completes 462 games? They should show us this info.

If there is someone at 2350sr and they play around 150 matches per season, they shouldn’t have to bear the burden of playing against accounts who only play 10 games per season.

I think the matchmaker used to segregate these two groups, but now with role queue, it has stopped doing this to reduce queue times.


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them alts and smurf and troll accounts
there’s no REAL new players after 3 years


2350 SR is the default SR. It is where everyone (pretty much) starts at their first placement, then they move you from there.

It is why everyone gets so annoyed at mid gold as there is such a mix of skill level.


but that’s what I’m saying. If you have a high certainty level on your SR, you shouldn’t have to play against new players.

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it’s because the system is highly gamed

literally right now you can leave
each placement match on a new account and get
2300 sr

and no season ban.

let that sink in as to what kind of state the game is in right now

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there must be another explanation, the matchmaker is fine. this convo would end really quick if they made the MMR formula public :frowning:

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pre -role que it was actually very common for initial placements to be even higher
almost 2500

I don’t believe you :slight_smile:

and that’s the biggest problem with this community

someone try’s to shed light on something

you all call it bias


It is true. And is a bug they have known about for awhile.

So you can exploit it, but you might get banned (my friend did it, it was hilarious and he rightly got banned as it put him over 1000SR higher than the previous season. )

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didn’t you read Kawumba’s post? Cuthbert’s hypothesis has been disproven. Nothing nefarious is going on.

Maybe some 1800s are better than 1900s, but no 1800 is better than a 2300.

don’t read any of those “conspiracy theory” posts

this is just straight new account sr info

this is also why if you look at the forums
there used to be tons of posts of my main acct was hardstuck

and they buy alt
level it and place considerably higher than original account

because they “learned” the game on that account and probably que’d for comp before they should have

tons of reasons for this type of placeing

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so a bronze did hear about it from cliff terio’s video and tried it

and you wonder why players even take anything remotely semi-seriously anymore

literally it feels like teammates are enemies on ladder

hardstuck doesn’t mean bad matchmaking system

it won’t stop your climb, only slow it down

here is a scenario that shows the weakness of ranking systems

you are 1850sr. ten thousand GM players decide to throw until they get to 1750 and win when they get to 1950. and they keep doing this over and over and over. Now here’s you, playing normally…your SR will fluctuate violently, but not when compared to the other 1850s just like yourself

Elo, Glicko are relative metrics. You need to see a list of all players and their ranks, and trends of ranks to 100% accurately find out what your true place in the ladder is. Short of that, 1850sr plus or minus 200 is accurate enough.

if you think you are being shafted, add 150sr to your current score, and that’s the best you can hope for.

bearing the burden of people who get to 2350 DR by playing 15 games?

no, your first competitive game you have an SR of 2350 (I think/pretty sure)

so those players that the system has little confidence in should be placed with other players who the system doesn’t know that much about.

I play a lot, and I don’t mind sorting out new players every once in a while. But the match maker should do it’s best to consider SR certainty when making teams and matches.

i’m pretty sure it’s 2500 but that’s not really a big difference

i just played on a new account and got 103 sr for a win, new accounts get pretty fast in the proximate Sr they belong to anyways

unless someone is dead bronze or gm 20 games in they are probably max 200 SR off their real skill rating (assuming they play all games at their real skill level and don’t just mess around in low elos or sth)

awesome, now can we address the endless stream of new accounts that well established 2500 players have to filter through?

so either keep inexperience players segregated, or start everyone with zero SR :slight_smile:

actually starting people right in the middle is the least inaccurate you can start them so 2500 is fine

I totally agree. But then keep them away from well established players.