I dont like developer silence

I agree with this 100%, the least they can do it make a forum post with all the info they have given out to streamers. It’s really hard keeping up with news when you are not into watching streamers.

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“We don’t like being silent…”
How should the gamer community feel when absolutely NO ONE from the devs replied to the multiple complains about the ton of post-updated Blizzardworld map bugs ?
I understand that maybe people are already working on it, i understand that it may feel like a “touchy” subject since it is about how inconsistent the game is after the newest patch.
But this silence only convinces people of how much Blizzard employees “care” . Having replied to at least ONE of those posts(and there are A LOT of them, i`ve checked for myself) would be a little reassuring for the people actually trying to play the game. I understand that you all may be really busy considering that holidays are right arround the corner. But so long as someone is there during “work hours”, there is no excuse for this silence.


Well, that it fell to WyomingMist to keep everyone up to date on the server downtime being looked at tells you pretty much everything.


I really hope one of those top secret things is cross-platform account syncing. I just built my first PC and I’m excited to get tilted in higher frame rates now.

This top secret things are Jeff Trollplan in action.

There were rumors this year of an Overwatch expansion or even Overwatch 2 being worked on and possibly revealed at Blizzcon this year. Is there any truth that they are actually working on a new Overwatch title?

The Overwatch developer team is turning into every other dev team across all Blizzard games. They always work on something top secret but it never gets released or when it does, it’s mostly unexciting stuff like a new map, a new hero or a new animated short or a comic nobody asked for. Since release, the only new content other than the standard new hero/map was the Deathmatch mode but the cancerous hero design personally turns me off. Each year they recycle the same events and modes and they don’t even care to make the slightest changes. I’m 99% sure the “top secret stuff” is yet another hero rework aka buffing it like there’s no tomorrow and promoting it as if they have been working on it for months when in reality, they probably just tweaked a few numbers, tested it internally for a couple hours and put it out on PTR. I’ve been a fan of Blizzard for years and I’ve witnessed this same practice in every other game. PTRs are just a PR and they almost never care about the feedback and if they do, it’s months after they have released the new content with all the bugs and unbalance.

So, Jeff, when is the Moira nerf?


not nearly good enough Jeff…

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We’re making a secret exansion pack. We know we said we’re not going to do that, that is why it’s top secret.

All those balancing changes, that are needed to get the game out of the stale state it’s in – we’re gonna charge you money for them with said expansion!

Fixing the broken Matchmaking sytem? Removing the personal performance factor? It’s top secret, we’re not supposed to talk about it, so no chance in hell!

You want Team League (premade vs premade mode), so that you can get rid of the stupid True Skill iteration and go back to pure Elo? Improve with a team?! Bahahhaa… no way.

Introducing a replay system, so it’s much easier to catch cheaters? We don’t wanna pay for support and the ones we’ve hired are busy enough as it is, so you’ll never get that feature!

Removing the terribad 2cp maps, that nobody likes? The person, who made them would end up being offended, so it’s not going to happen.

Nerf Tracer? She is the game’s mascot, and she also happens to be a lesbian, so no.

Get rid of hard counters, so that there’s more skill invovlved, and so people have more of a response than merely swapping heroes? No way.

More top secret stuff…

If they were to release Overwatch 2 prior to 2026, I am done with this company. If anything, they should be fixing the current game.

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Sad, but true. 20 characters.

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There’s more to the community than streamers. The worship/pure focus on them as some form of demigod(s) is getting really tiresome.

I’ve been a loyal Blizzard gamer for nearly a decade and a half now. It’s just really disheartening to know that that many years of consumer loyalty is overshadowed by someone who (no disrespect to them) chose to stream games for a career.

The voice actors of OW are very good at more personable communication w/ fans, especially at conventions (met the VAs for Zenyatta and Pharah half a year ago, very lovely people)…

I guess all I’m asking for is for you guys as developers to reach out to us as players more, and not just focus the attention onto streamers.

I mean no disrespect or ingratitude by posting this… as I said, I’m very appreciative of the work you guys do, and I’ve been enjoying your products for a VERY long time…

Just show a little more love/outreach to us, the core consumers… Overwatch is an outstanding title, but it wouldn’t be where it is if it weren’t for us consumers.

Much love Jeff.

This is like the same thing rip.

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It may be a choice but the majority can’t make a career out of it, tbh.

Yeah, it’s a career very much only open to rich kids.

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Can I re-respond on this? You’ve responded to the initial thread, and a lot of people have brought up reasonable points about how some of the communication has been a problem, in particular regarding the streamers and not even knowing exactly where these streams are, especially from a forum user point of view. That’s an excellent point and seems like the perfect point to keep a discussion going with, and one where it’d be perfect to show the community that “hey, we ARE listening”. Instead, there’s no follow up here and it makes me think that yeah, the user base is not being listened to.

I mean, you say for example that you think hero balance is a lot better then the forums would believe, and you know what, you’re right to an extent. But that doesn’t address the core problem of GOATS being dominant and the meta not being very diverse, so it brings up the question where you do think the game truly lies?

I’m sorry Jeff, I know that the restrictions probably put on your team by Activision and you may not have the staff to do all that you want, but the fact is that there are core communication problems with the community, and if you really want the game to become an esport like Acitvision seems to want to, that has to be addressed now.

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Hey so on the silence subject. Ummm Jeff? Can we get a word on what, if anything, you did to Symms Primary? lol Cause somethings up.

I really don’t see a reason not to tell us 0.o

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They realized what a dumb move it was to make it 20 ticks in the first place but they dont want to admit it so they stealth fixed it.

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Im reading…

  • tick rate changed
  • hitbox changed
  • no longer suffers armor reduction

Hitbox is the same i tested, tick rate seems to have been reduced by a large chunk as even my level one beam seems to do a tad to armor now.

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