I don't know about this Rein change

If I’m playing a different character, I’ll likely be playing them for a different reason. If I want to be an offensive tank, I’ll use Orisa instead because she’s better suited for it now.

And by “more fuel in her tank” I just mean that she’s gotten buffed so good in this PTR patch. Like, she very well may be better than ever, so for her the shield matters less.

For Rein, even though its the strongest in the game, he still lost a lot of health from it. That will matter a lot when you have six people trying to laser it down.

The boop resistance still looks like Rein can be booped into a pit if Lucio gets close enough. I would like to see the boop resistance much more than that…I would like to see Lucio get booped backwards FAR MORE from attempting to move a tank.

In fact, Lucio might boop himself off the map trying to move a tank out of the way.

They already do this. The difference is Rein will also take much less time to close that gap and his armor will allow him to shield hop decereasing the time further.

A team can only put out lets say 500 dmg per sec. If Rein used to take 4 sec to close that gap he would have juuuuust enough barrier to initiate that fight. But now it takes him 3 seconds to close that gap meaning he will have extra barrier to spare.

Now also consider older Rein could be pushed back to increase that time. New Rein cannot be pushed back further reducing his time to engage and keeping him in his optimal range when he does make it to the enemy. (further more those boops also displaced his barrier exposing his team, well, not anymore)

Then you should also know that natural cover is what you should be using there. If you’re not walking forward or protecting something like a Bastion, you should be hiding behind a wall.

Oh dang I kinda wish we were talking about that now too. I’d love to know why you think Orisa is the winner of this patch.

As for Rein, its a matter of relative defense. This just means that you win your defensive wars sooner, as well as more often. You were always reliant on your team contributing the shield war for you as Rein, but now that Rein is king of blue shapes, your Junkrat is more likely to crush thier defenses then theirs’ is at crushing yours’. Or who knows, maybe your soldier 76 will be enough for the job now, because of the inherent advantage Rein is going to have in the shield ecenomy.

I like how they make him more brawly and light on his feet, massove set of armor aside.

I think, same as literally always whenever there are significant balance changes, people are freaking out and acting like the sky is falling. Can we please just wait and see what happens when it hits live before we overreact, for once?


walking faster = less time walking through chokes = less shield required to safely travel
he’s also bulkier and can deal with cc a lot more which was one of his two defining weaknesses (the other being range)

it’s arguably a significant buff for the hero in general, which is kinda weird because he didn’t really need any changes and just needed a meta shift
blizz said they’re looking at the three shield tanks carefully in the event that any of these changes are too much

I cant get my head behind all the calls saying he is good now doue to him being able to walk faster.

Most of the time a rein is hugging a wall anyway, as his barrier breaks faster, most of the time, then he can press D to get back in cover .

the idea behind balancing is that every hero has strengths and weaknesses.
complaining that rein has weaknesses is moot, because thats intended design. just like all the other tanks also have their weaknesses.

also, rein isnt the biggest loser in shields.
orisa: lost 300, thats 33%
sigma: lost 600, thats 40%
rein: lost 400, thats 20%

the buffs rein got were substantial, and since reins kit is so simplistic theres really not much you can do with him without a rework. he is a CQC hero and got buffs specifically for that, and a nerf to his long range sustain.
win-win from a balance perspective.

Honestly, I think the movement speed & knockback resistance increase more than outweigh a measly 400hp nerf to his shield. He’s going to be able to get to where he needs to go faster & probably won’t even notice the HP change. Now that he won’t be booped around as much he can stay where he wants to be. His increased movement is going to allow him to be in better positions to not take as much shield damage if he doesn’t have to, and also allow him to regen it behind a corner that he otherwise would’ve taken twice as long to get behind

His downside to his steadfast is that he’s now even more vulnerable to whole hog, that means he can’t be knocked away from the massive incoming damage, especially if the shield broke (also consider it now has lower health)

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Btc did a video showing how easy shields are to destroy even reins. Alot of you guys are selling snake oil. You probably aren’t even tank players

Nope. I am a tank main. Exclusively for 6 seasons actually.

If you break every tank and then buff Rein and his preferred tanking partners he will in fact be the best tank. No one is saying his shield will never break. We are saying he can close distances far faster and then remain in Hammer rang e way better then he ever could.

His active aggressive design dampens the effect of the barrier reduction.

This is essentially what happened to Orisa. All tanks were nerfed into oblivion making her the last tank standing and the only one who wasn’t easily destroyed.

That’s Rein now. Last man standing with his homie Zarya.

The fact that you cant see how a 50% boop reduction doesn’t help a melee focused tank makes me think YOU aren’t a tank player. Or at least you never selected Rein.

The shield isn’t what gives you value. It’s the space you take while using it. The game is just ramping up in pace. No more turtleing behind shields. Teams gotta move.

I’d like to agree, but i feel like we’re being too optimistic with this armor change. Even before the nerf, I’ve never noticed the damage reduction.

Again, this is the best case scenario. We both know that, most of the time, Rein is going to be put in a hairy situation while trying to agrees. he can shield hop all he wants, I just don’t see it being that much of a difference.

Truth be told, his knockback resist can be a blessing and a curse. He’s practically a punching bag for an ulting Winston, for example.

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There is videos comparing how fast he moves just watch it. If anything I was being generous in the 1 sec reduction. He hauls butt. Add a lucio and it’s like he doesn’t even have a movement penalty.

Gray posted a video of it. You know what happened? Rein hammered him at the same time, build his Ult and Slammed him in the duration of primal. If he even has a bit of his Ult he insta counters a Ulting Winston who even thinks of getting into his range.