I don’t play as much Mercy as I’d like, because she isn’t very good

She’s not. Her healing feels weak, Res is hardly much use when people die when over extended, or in pairs or more, both of which happen a lot, and damage boost just isn’t very strong in terms of providing net extra damage compared to other supports just shooting.

She’s fun to play, I love the playstyle, but fun isn’t enough if I actually want to win.

Every part of her kit feels lacking.


That’s how I feel about D.Va. I really miss playing her in comp.


Well, would these Mercy changes do the trick?

✅ Mercy, If Devs are looking for ideas

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Literally :sob: I play her in my games, and I’m having fun and doing my best (I’m GM with her so I know I’m playing well…) and then it literally is so painfully obvious that she is just NOT a good pick and I will either be stubborn and stay on her, or I will swap to Lucio/Bap/Moira/Ana and instantly have 10000% more value in the game.

It’s depressing, tbh.

Yes we love these changes ^^

Idk about decreasing valk time but nerfing damage boost is not a good idea.

Decreasing Valkyrie’s duration will also reduce the amount of situations where the teamfight is over and you don’t want to heal your allies and miss out on the ult charge.

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Why do we need trade offs, she needs improving.


Maybe. In some situations the long time is nice because you can use your pistol to get a kill or two and still have some of the ult left over to support your team mates.

I didn’t say anything about trade offs.

Decreasing Valk time sounds like a trade off to me.

It wasn’t even my idea. It was GreyFalcons

Need to be careful not to get into that mindset. Sombra is always 1 buff and 2 nerfs.

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You summed up my thoughts perfectly. ;~;

I find her really reliable. But i get so bored of playing her… like mind numbingly boring.

People saying she doesnt heal as much as… she doesn’t have to reload and she cant miss… and she has the ability to buff characters within a split second. She has great mobility as well. I just dont get it

Same :frowning:

Dva is Meta, what do you mean?

to OP: I completely agree. I personally find Mercy as she is now to be incredibly lacking and in much needs of buffs and / or a rework.

Not all Dodos think alike, even those with identical names, verbiage, and writing styles

Me, personally? I find Mercy in her current state to be productive, fun to play, and well balanced. I find nothing about her to be lacking, a few bugfixes aside.

she certainly doesnt need buffs or - heavens forbid - a rework

I didn’t know that the least picked tank in GM was meta!!!