I dislike pretty much everything about venture

oh boy where to start

well the first thing i noticed is how clunky it feels to chain together their movement abilities, there are weird moments of pause in between them and the startup on burrow is insanely long considering reaper’s wraith form is instant

drill dash could have been such a fun and unique mobility option if only it had more depth, but no its just a straight dash that deals damage, essentially a copy of genji’s swift strike except they dont get a cooldown reset for it on kill

also the quick melee passive is entirely useless because you are better off shooting your target with your primary at point blank, especially because burrow refills your ammo so you are seldom forced to reload while engaing

i genuinely cannot find a single use for the quick melee ability, in fact i would rather have a regular quick melee that i can flick while retaining full damage without locking myself into a long animation

their ultimate is also super underwhelming, both visually and gameplay wise

it almost feels like i have 3 different abilities from 3 different heroes and none of them flow together at all

not to mention, all of their ability animations are so easy to react to, who is actually going to sit there and let you burrow onto them and charge it up to max?

then you get popped up into the air yet all they receive is a little boop across the ground so they can gun you down while youre stuck in the animation

this isnt even a debate of whether venture is op or not, it really doesnt matter either way

they have a 4 second immortality and you know how much we absolutely love having to interact with those in this game

to play as and to play against, this character feels horrendous

please blizzard, this hero needs some serious changes before they are put into the game, i was hoping venture would be the spiritual successor to dps doom but i have been left severely disappointed (as usual)