I can't save potg/highlights

Hello guys I’m trying to save some of my highlights, but I can’t . Ive already followed the instructions about changing the settings.ini file:

ShowIntro = "0"

GPUDeviceID = "26591"
GPUName = "GeForce GTX 1050 Ti"
GPUScaler = "15.000000"
GPUVenderID = "4098"

BitRate = "80"
FPS = "60"
Height = "1080"
VideoPath = "/home/athan/Games/overwatch/drive_c/users/athan/My Documents/Overwatch/videos/overwatch"

FullScreenRefresh = "60"
FullscreenWindow = "0"
GFXPresetLevel = "2"
RefractionDetail = "0"
ShowFPSCounter = "1"
ShowRTT = "1"
WindowedFullscreen = "1"
WindowMode = "1"

FPSOverlay = "0"

but the problem remains unsolved :frowning:

distro: Ubuntu, gnome3.2
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 1600
GPU: GTX 1050 Ti
RAM: 8Gb G.skill 2666MHz

Have you tried a Scan and Repair of the game client yet?

Problem solved, I changed the file format from MP4 to WEBM and everything works fine now, thanks for the help though :slight_smile:

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