I cant play crashes when i start up

Please include a DxDiag (as requested in the pinned threads) so members of the community can help you troubleshoot.

Click here to show/hide DxDiag instructions
  1. Press Windows Key + R, then type DxDiag and press Enter.
  2. In the DxDiag window, click Save All Information.
  3. Name the file “dxdiag” and click Save.

To add it to your reply here:

  1. Open the text file and copy all of the text.
  2. Paste the text in your reply.
  3. Highlight the pasted text and click </> on the post editor.

If your DxDiag does not fit in one message DO NOT shorten it. Instead, post it on Pastebin.com and provide the hash code (the numbers/letters after the .com) in your reply.

While you wait for assistance, I suggest opening the Windows Reliability History tool, which may show you what’s happening in the background to cause any errors.