I can't enjoy this game anymore

Yeah melodramatic i get it, but this game is just a sweat fest i cant even play qp to learn a character without some smurfing boosting an alt mercy pocket in toe i try to get on the game , join friends but that i want to toss my controller feeling returns in spades because its a never ending abuse. From the toxic lgbtq flags with some ridiculous name tea bagging and just generally being a toxic troll in chat to that smurf who gets pocketed because someone hurt your ego you win im out , there are far better games.


Sound like you are the one that got your fragile ego hurt to me
but lol, a flag hurt you ? really ?


if thats all you go out of it bud dont let the post hit ya on the way out


uh I thought you are the one on your way out, cuz you quitting the game ??

Make a new account to learn. They’re free.

Everything is an opinion and observation from what i observed and delt with yes most people flying the pride banner have a big ego about themselves to a point there very active in the chat being toxic 2 there is a smurfing issue in competitive in general 3 i just picked up the game a few months ago this has been my experience.

Everything you said is true except for the hate on the lgbt for some reason. I think it was season 8 when quick play basically became competitive because groups wanna pub stomp and that doesn’t fly in competitive.

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I don’t hate them its just what ive experienced

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This is likely because there is little to no matchmaking in quick play. I am a masters support player on my main account. The other day, I get put up against a high gold dps on the enemy team, who tries and fails to kill me multiple times. That player then yelled about OP Brigs and Mercys (I played both that game) in text chat near the end of the game. But the character isn’t op, nor was I being sweaty. There was just a skill gap and the matchmaking wasn’t fair to that player.

Also, “toxic lgbt flags”, lol. It’s just a flag. It’s not gonna hurt you, lol. Sounds like you have a discrimination problem…

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Then don’t play, super simple solution.


OP isn’t hating on LGBT. There’s a trend of toxic players using LGBT flags as bait. Almost every time I run into them, I know I’m in for one of the worst experiences the game has to offer.


Turn chat off. All chat. Serious here, you’ll be better off for it.

If you can’t group with friends, find enjoyment in your gameplay alone. If you can’t, no bueno, this might not be the game for you.

Unranked is still the place to get better with heroes you want to learn. With chat turned off you dont have to worry about getting flamed or abuse or whatever. Just focus on your play alone, the rest can sod off.

Best of luck, ggs OP

Most of this thread is about flags…

Warning. Warning. Sound the alarm.

I think he and a good deal of other people have noticed a trend that the most toxic people in the game are people who put that flag as their icon. It is like being righteous out of game gives them permission to be as toxic in game as they want without feeling like a bad person.

But overall yes the community is toxic and that makes it hard to enjoy solo games. Best way to play is duo but they made the wait times horrible for that in comp.


Well, first, calm down, second…the key to playing games like this is to just not take it seriously. Play to have fun. I understand it gets frustrating, especially with how the matchmaker is, and stomp games are just no fun, but, try and wrap your mind around the game, instead of letting the game wrap around your mind :smiley:

sorry you’re having a rough time of it, I do too, the game is, in general, horrible, but i still play because there are elements of it i do like, and the idea of the game overall, is great…it’s just not implemented well right now

hope you have more fun in the future though


yes, in general, gaming communities are toxic, not just OW, but all of them, because you have anonymous people behind keyboards, who…for some reason, think it’s “cool” to hurl insults at complete strangers, because they want to “pwn” someone they never met, and they feel good?? about typing insults on a keyboard?

that’s not to say there arent good people too…ive met quite a few good people here, but then in every post where someone is complaining about something, youll have those snarky people who feel the need to belittle others…maybe it gives them a feeling of domination? who knows.

anyway, that’s a long way of saying.youre right lol

I want a Christian flag. I mean it’s a flag and it’s not going to hurt you.

But people don’t want that. Why isn’t that the same thing?

Get someone from the Middle east or Poland to make a account for you and then your account will never show those flags again on that account.

Toxic flags? Well in that case:
My all your foes tactical crouch on you in game for eternity lol.

Get bagged on foo

Yeah there are tons of trolls who intentionally equip lgbtq flag(ofc most of them, if not all, are not lgbtq).

I think many people could notice that there are 3 notorious flags when they play more than a month : basic flag(yeah mine too), mercy flag and lgbtq flag.

Either a noob, a smurf or a troll.

Overwatch players when people don’t take the game seriously: :sob:
Overwatch players when people take the game seriously: :sob:

I mean what are we supposed to do at that point :woman_shrugging:
