I Can't Distinguish bots from players

In solo que plat, I can’t distinguish if i am playing with bots or just bad players. main tank chase kills, healers chase kills, and dps also chase kills, but don’t actually get it. I am not good enough to solo carry.


You’re not good enough to carry against bots?


You’re the same rank as bots? Hmm…


he is not bot he is playing with bots vs avarage players because mostly his mmr is higher then plat so he get braindead player and game expect him to carry i get it harder when i play on this smurf but i can do it not fair for him and its not fun

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He is not being given terrible teammates because his MMR is too high. That is not how it works. A higher MMR would mean he gets more SR from a win, and loses less for a loss. It would not mean he’s being thrown into matches and expected to carry.


you will never feel it sorry but is it like this i made this account to prove it and i did prove it

read this thread it might help but i don’t think because you are not effected

Literally the first reply on the thread is Kaawumba correcting the OP.

Also, here’s why it makes zero sense: If that were how the system worked, then people would not climb. They’d just be throwing improved players into a sort of smurf queue, nullifying the entire point of ranks and tiers.

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I found the problem. The system is trying to push down player wom deserve to be on lower brackets and as a byproduct, some player who deserve to be at X bracket or higher get matched with the player who deserve to be at lower.

Bots don’t chase kills and play the objective to a fault.

When I first logged into the PC version after playing in plat on console… and learning the new controls… we actually lost to a hard bot team (usually when the bots pull out bastion on a koth map) I was so mad after that I plugged in a controller. LOL

Bots also have amazing accuracy, better then most plat players. Think BOB and turret level aim. They also ALWAYS group up and attack as a deathball.

So, I think you may have a better time in plat with bots, then a lot of players in plat. Just saying…

Don’t disrespect the bots like that… they try hard and actually play the point better then humans. =)

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If you dont chase a kill how you gonna win? By talking the enemy team into capitulating?

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Bots have aimbot right? So I get people in plat must have too to be indistinguishable.

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The system pushes those players down by giving them less SR for wins and larger losses.

Those players are uncommon, though. You are being matched against similarly skilled opponents in most of your matches, but you’re laser focused on the mistakes teammates are making, and it’s causing you to ignore your own mistakes and get an inflated sense of your own skill.

Why do you lose to bots?

I call out my mistakes.

Your first post is you complaining about teammates and implying that you regularly lose games because of them.

I have reason to doubt that you recognize your own mistakes.

Here’s yer problem. Solo queuing in the worst rank of Overwatch. Don’t solo queue if you EXPECT to win. Just group up with friends or via LFG, lots of plat lfg teams out there.

The weight system is exactly how Microsoft’s TrueSkill works, and OW matchmaking is a derivate of TrueSkill.

Search TrueSkill rating system on the web.

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If bots started focus firing they would be in Masters.

I did just that. I found very quickly that TrueSkill is a way of estimating a players skill and is not a matchmaker. It can calculate the probability of a draw between two teams, but because it doesn’t actually make the teams it does not put higher skilled players with lower skilled players.

which is part of OW matchmaker algorythm :slight_smile:
(not 100% sure about that, but it’s been said a lot of times here, even by a dev a long time ago if I recall correctly. Could be found by searching the long post Jeff once made about matchmaking last year)

Ingame matchmaking experience concurs a lot with TrueSkill, tho, so it could make sense