I can't defend silencing

Discuss honestly, patiently, and respectably, then the discussion will stay that way.

The people reffered in these replies were not looking for discussion, but rather a victory.

So, out of context, they seem sassy… Which they are no doubt… But read the full discussion from where that sass came. Context.

Well this is what happens when a game starts to go downhill and the devs refuse to believe and do anything about it😭

As long as money is being made, screw the game. That’s the mentality.

We got this guys don’t give up😊

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I mean, honestly I have read the ones you replied to and they weren’t being bad. Were there disagreements? Yes. But nothing worth a patronizing tone. It’s ok to not agree with people, but the moment people start talking down to each other, and getting condescending, is only when people start getting mean.

I’m just saying that someone started it. And it’s best to not feed the fire when it sparks. It’s what gets threads locked.


Resources being put into the league is obvious. I can eat a candy bar but that doesn’t stop me from eating a banana afterwards.

Blizzard is absolutely massive and there’s plenty of people to work on plenty of things. They can also, gasp, hire more people when they expect to grow into something as large as OWL.


Interesting… So since we are going to generalize based on time and place, let’s further apply that logic to other people. Do allow me to ask you then:

Would you agree then that people who have “spam flagged” Titanium were DPS mains? Because before they were banned, they were in fact debating with a DPS main.

Or how about the calling mercy mains cultists? There’s record of you calling Mercy mains a cult. You main Ana, so by that logic, are you saying that All Ana mains call mercy mains cultists?

One of my threads was closed yesterday due to quote “trolling and harassment”. The offending parties who started the discourse were in-fact Reaper mains. Are you saying then that by your logic, the people who close every thread due to “trolling and harassment” are always Reaper mains?

I’m interested in knowing your conclusions, because I have never realized that knowing who flagged who was so clearly black and white on these forums. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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They aren’t, but you haven’t read them so I wouldn’t expect you to know that. Blizzard hasn’t read them either, even though they say that they do, even though they say they read the feedback daily, even though everyone on the forums is tired of Mercy’s position, and her players just want her to be balanced and fun again.

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I think it’s fair to say the treatment goes both ways. Both parties are guilty of it.


Oh and let’s not get started on the roadmap for overwatch that doesn’t exist😂

Nobody has any clue what comes next, (devs included) and people are going crazy. Nothing to look forward to.

Again, another reason. This would be an easy fix as well😭

Though we usually don’t agree on a lot of things, in this, I agree with you.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Two of the comments you listed were under one post, from who was obviously not bringing anything to the table and left stating his disdain for the post. Not very kind in my eyes.

The second wasn’t a tone of aggression, but rather casual statement with a sliver of a passive aggresive tone telling the person in discussion “I know you don’t mean that, I’m saying it in a metaphorical sense”.

Why even throw passive-aggressiveness into a comment to begin with, though? Like, not everyone here wants to feel like they’re talking to their mom, lol.

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Inb4 nOt eVeRYoNe

(20 forum memes)

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The thing is, we gamers have more power then we think. Look at EA, the statement we made.

Look at battlefield 5, the statement we are about to make lol😂

EA is in massive trouble.

People can defend blizz all they want, but it won’t make the game better, they are hindering it from reaching its true potential👌

You aren’t doing them any favors.

The devs need to be called out, in a respectful way. Many have done this, but those still get shutdown.

And when devs can’t take criticism, trouble starts brewing.


It’s simply the way I talk. That’s really all there is to it. Gotta lighten the tension for somebody, somehow.

So if someone goes to 100 topics with Mercy in the title, and posts in each of them a copy/paste message of:

“Stop spamming the forums with mercy spam!”

By your rules, is that not considered spamming? :smirk:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

I mean sure, but come on, the fact that we’re still having this discussion a year later means that people don’t like where she’s at

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Take my word for it: no one like passive-aggression.

Best to just avoid it all together.


It’s really not because it’s a call out on what amounts to bad behavior in the first place.


(20 Mercy Threads later)

You actually don’t think that literally copying and pasting the same message in 100 threads is spamming? Got it.

#SeemsLegit :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.