I can see a flaw in symmetras new ult

The shield expands across the entire map right? Couldn’t you just have your junkrat and soldier just spam the barrier from a safe place to the side.

I mean it’s only 5000 health…it could be broken pretty easily with little coordination


Assuming it’s solid you could use it to buy time to capture objectives or split up teams but I’m getting the impression it’s just a glorified Mei wall with less utility.

I don’t think it is solid.

It will still take fair bit of time.


I mean no doubt it would be the most impressive looking ultimate in the game…im just unsure of the impact if it in fact is not solid and is just a shield

It’s a glorified Rein barrier is the impression I’m getting. Seems like it could be used more for closing an objective off and blocking out ranged attacks while forcing the enemy to come into your territory without back up. People who complain so much about Orisa’s shields and Brigitte’s shield probably won’t like a 5000 HP shield that spans the entire map.


If it’s solid then it’s overpowered as heck

If it isn’t I can’t see it being remotely useful, a stationary 5k HP barrier that people can walk through would be pretty useless.

Not really, 5k HP isn’t that much against 6 people.

Getting people to shoot at shields requires a much higher level of effort than you would expect.


I can see the use of it.

Barrier dancing for everyone on your side during a major push / defense?

It wins fights. Put it through the middle of the combat area.


Are you crazy lol

5k dmg block barrier has insane value for an ultimate

All this means is that you can’t just brainlessly plop it somewhere and expect it to work.

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I disagree. For one thing, it would force them into worse positioning where you can control range advantage. Got a bunch of close-range heroes who can’t get value? Force the enemy into close range by blocking off ranged attacks. At the very least it would stall for time if they just keep distance and break it, which is still pretty valuable when the entire game comes down to who captures faster.

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If you were thinking of it as we put it in the choak and hope they don’t walk though, I can see how it isn’t great. Thankfully it can be used for so much more.

Hooray. The game needs more shields

5000 HP is a lot of HP for even Junkrat & Soldier to widdle down. What do you expect their other 4 team members to do? Engage the enemy 4v6? Do you think the enemy team will just sit idly by and let them do that? I think not.

I mean…they could help bring the shield down

I don’t think the enemy team will have any power to do anything about it if the barrier crosses the whole map, just walk away and shoot it with 0 threat.

Doesn’t sombra EMP just delete it?

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Lets put a shield on a shield, with a shield on a shield shield.

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